
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)


Paediatricians tell and help parents build a supportive lifestyle for children to prevent various illnesses, and introduce them to the correct first aid skills and knowledge in various situations.


Paediatrics is a field of medicine that deals with the detection, management and prevention of childhood illnesses. Pediatricians also help parents of children to acquire the right skills and knowledge of first aid in different situations, the proper care of a sick child and the prevention of various diseases. Today, paediatrics is well developed, which allows you to receive competent support and comprehensive medical services in any situation.

Do you have a sick child and want to get an appointment with an experienced specialist? Concerned about the results of the improper treatment at the local doctor because your child keeps getting sick frequently? Do you have no time to wait in long waiting lines at state clinics? Then book an appointment with a paediatrician at CBS at a time that is convenient for you. The paediatricians at our medical centre are highly experienced and treat according to evidence-based protocols.

When is it time to See a Pediatrician?

A pediatrician is needed not only to treat an illness but also to monitor the child's development and growth. Routine consultations with a pediatrician take place:

All children should be examined by a paediatrician when a routine vaccination date is set, to rule out any contraindications to vaccination. A pediatrician’s opinion is also required before starting kindergarten, school, sports and recreational activities.

Symptoms Requiring an Unscheduled Pediatrician’s Check-Up

A paediatrician check-up should not be delayed if your child has one or more of the following symptoms:

A pediatrician is a specialist who helps parents monitor the growth, development and well-being of their children. Accordingly, choosing an experienced and attentive specialist is an important and necessary step.

Pediatrics at the Centre for Brain Stimulation is a priority since our medical Centre actively treats and rehabilitates children with various pathologies. By contacting our Clinic, you will get an opportunity to be seen by a highly qualified specialist, who is able to establish a trusting relationship with children of all ages. Your child's examination will be carried out in a comfortable and welcoming environment, without tears or fear.

What is a Pediatrician’s Appointment Like?

A pediatrician is a doctor who monitors and treats a child from birth to puberty. He or she examines the development of various diseases, prescribes diagnosis, therapy and prevention of pathologies, and teaches parents how to take good care of their child during the period of illness.

During a pediatrician’s check-up the following activities are carried out:

If necessary, after the consultation, the paediatrician will refer the patient to a subspecialist consultation. CBS offers the best possible conditions for receiving comprehensive medical care, so you can have tests and consultations prescribed by a doctor without leaving CBS.

Diagnostic Methods

In pediatrics, methods are used to assess general health and diagnose diseases, such as:

After the pediatrician’s appointment, the clinic can also provide consultations with relevant specialists (neurologist, gastroenterologist, orthopaedist, cardiologist, reflexologist, physical therapist, etc.).

Treatment of Childhood Illnesses

In clinical practice, pediatricians use various techniques to treat children:

If necessary, this is supplemented by specialist recommendations on proper care, daily regime and feeding of the sick child. The pediatrician also explains to the parents how to take the prescribed medication correctly and how to prepare for the prescribed diagnostic procedures (ultrasound, tests, other examinations).

Our Advantages

Making an appointment with a pediatrician at CBS offers many advantages:

  1. Individual approach.
  2. High level of qualification and many years of experience of our pediatricians (our doctors annually undergo training and refresher courses in leading Ukrainian and foreign clinics).
  3. Opportunity to receive comprehensive medical services (from diagnostics to treatment and rehabilitation) in a full-service medical facility.
  4. Affordable cost of pediatric consultation.
  5. Comfortable conditions at a medical centre.
  6. Polite and attentive attitude to each clinical case.


In order to see a good pediatrician, all you need to do is ask for an appointment with a qualified pediatrician. You can make an appointment with a pediatrician by calling the phone number listed on the website, or by filling out a special form to make an appointment or to request a callback. Our call Centre consultants will provide you with all the necessary background information and make an appointment at a convenient time.

Licenses and Certificates

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі в медичній сфері"

Certificate "Industry Leader in the Medical Sector"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


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