
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00

About the clinic "Brain Stimulation Center"

Now the Brain Stimulation Center is a modern neurological clinic specializing in neurorehabilitation and restorative medicine..

Про клініку «Центр стимуляції мозку»

About the clinic «Brain Stimulation Center»

At the initial stage of its activity (in 2013), the Brain Stimulation Center (CSM) was a medical institution with only a few rooms. However, we provided diagnostic and therapeutic services unique for Ukraine, which made the center a national clinic of neurology and psychiatry, accepting patients from all over the country. By 2014, the Brain Stimulation Center reached the international level and began to take children from abroad for treatment. As of 2016, the CSM has already been actively working with patients from Asian and African countries, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Argentina and other countries.

In 2020, CSM significantly developed and expanded, and also received another official recognition, having been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 international certificate and the Ukrainian DSTU ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

The group of clinics «Center for Brain Stimulation» is a modern full-cycle neurological clinics specializing in the treatment of neurological and mental disorders, as well as the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system requiring neurorehabilitation and restorative medicine. New departments are constantly appearing in our medical centers, which allows us to diagnose all types of diseases and treat them in accordance with international protocols of evidence-based medicine.

The CSM clinic has a powerful diagnostic base, therefore it specializes in the early diagnosis of all types of pathologies and diseases. There are doctors who provide competent assistance for rehabilitation after surgical treatment and sports injuries. Our specialists use all modern methods of physiotherapy, as well as other medical techniques with proven effectiveness to restore patients' ability to work and return their usual quality of life. Also, CSM conducts stem cell therapy procedures, unique for our country, with further rehabilitation for diseases of the joints, complications of diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, etc.

MC «Center for Brain Stimulation» specializes in the elimination of various disorders of the psycho-emotional spectrum and memory problems, the development of speech, writing, mathematical and other abilities in children who have learning and socialization difficulties. The Medical Center accepts patients of any age for treatment, regardless of the severity of the identified physical pathology or the complexity of the psychological problem that affects the general condition of the patient and his ability to socialize.

The Priority Center provides qualified assistance to people with disabilities who need rehabilitation, patients recovering from a stroke, children with cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, genetic diseases and developmental delays.

Medical services of the Brain Stimulation Center group of clinics is a full-fledged complex, including accommodation in comfortable rooms and meals in accordance with medical recommendations. An additional plus for patients is the convenient location of our units in the districts of Kyiv and the Kyiv region (in the city of Bila Tserkva).

For today we:

Over the past few years, the capacity of the medical center has tripled. Today our team consists of 70 highly qualified specialists of various profiles. In 2020, the clinic opened two new buildings, a modern physiotherapy department, sensory integration rooms, and a manipulation room.

Areas of work of the «Center for Brain Stimulation»

Brain Stimulation Center is a medical, rehabilitation facility for people with neurological, mental and psychological disorders. Our rehabilitation center uses the most effective methods of rehabilitation of neurological disorders, including:

The specialists of our group of clinics succeed in the treatment of various disorders that require correction of the patient's psycho-emotional state. They also successfully develop speech function, memory, writing, thought processes and mathematical abilities in children with developmental delays or problems. Patients of all ages can apply to the FMC for rehabilitation in case of physical pathologies and psychological disorders.

Our main mission is to work with children suffering from autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy (including Decree 309 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine), behavioral disorders, problems with cognitive, speech and motor function, delays in motor development, attention deficits.

An integrated approach, the use of the latest technologies and unique techniques, makes treatment at the "Brain Stimulation Center" effective even in complex, difficult-to-treat diseases, as well as in "neglected" forms of disorders. One of the main tools that is successfully used in our private clinic (Kyiv, Vasil Porik avenue 13-B) is hardware neurorehabilitation.

The methods used in rehabilitation on the basis of the Brain Stimulation Center are modern and effective. We are constantly looking for new methods of restoration, and we are the first to introduce many methods in Ukraine with their subsequent improvement. Our team makes every effort to ensure that the patients of our clinic (regardless of age) and their accompanying persons feel comfortable and receive all the necessary medical care.

Who are our patients?

The Brain Stimulation Center offers its services to both residents of the capital and visitors from other cities and countries. Our specialists treat children and adults with neurological, mental and psychological disorders, help improve the quality of life of patients and their loved ones.

Our medical center offers the most modern methods of treatment, rehabilitation and correction of all types of speech, mental and neuropsychological disorders in children from 1 year old - we have experience working with young children and special programs for infants.

Issues we can help children with

Symptoms that should be addressed to the clinic of child neurology and psychiatry «Brain Stimulation Center»

Specialists of the clinic «Center for Brain Stimulation» take on the most difficult cases and get the best possible positive results for each individual patient. Many children suffering from cerebral palsy, as well as other diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders, said their first words and took their first steps in our medical center in Kyiv.

The Brain Stimulation Center is a rehabilitation center where pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are successfully treated, speech development (even in completely non-speaking children), and socialization are carried out. All this gives the right to a full-fledged future, inclusion in society for children with neurological problems and greatly facilitates the life of their loved ones.

Medical problems with which adult patients should be addressed to the Neurocorrection Center «Brain Stimulation Center»

Diseases of the central nervous system (Central Nervous System):

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

The pride of our medical center is the new skills and successes of patients, which appeared as a result of effective rehabilitation and corrective work carried out by the specialists of the center. And most importantly - happiness in their eyes. Therefore, even in the most difficult cases, we do not refuse, but, on the contrary, we accept the challenge and fight together with our patients and their loved ones to the end!

Benefits of Brain Stimulation Center

  1. Doctors of the first and highest medical category with many years of practical experience. Our specialists have up-to-date skills and knowledge in neurological, psychotherapeutic and other fields, thanks to regular internships and advanced training courses in the best medical institutions in the USA, Europe, and the CIS countries.
  2. An integrated approach to the problem (including individual rehabilitation programs, a multidisciplinary approach when planning a comprehensive rehabilitation / correction).
  3. Advanced hardware treatment and rehabilitation for the correction of the condition of patients with cerebral palsy, ASD, mental retardation, ADHD, mental retardation.
  4. Availability of all necessary medical and physiotherapy equipment from world leaders for treatment and rehabilitation (including a wide range of BTL physiotherapy devices). All devices are licensed.
  5. Extensive experience and the presence of successful cases in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with extremely difficult diagnoses (including «refuseniks» - who were given up in other centers).
  6. Affordable prices and loyalty programs.
  7. The positive reputation of the Brain Stimulation Center has been earned by years of work and positive results of treatment, as evidenced by numerous reviews of our work.
  8. Reliability of our neurology clinic (Kyiv, Ukraine) – «Brain Stimulation Center» has:

We are out of competition.

Yes. In several areas we provide unique services.

This is a treatment for such diseases as Autism, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, eating disorders and heart rhythm disorders. These are the diseases in which it is impossible to delay and postpone treatment. Perhaps that is why we receive requests even from other countries for treatment.

We have been successful in obtaining maximum efficiency in the use of stem cells.

Together with cell therapy, we use methods that affect the restoration of the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract system, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the blood system, normalize metabolism, and activate the internal reserves of the body.

Our therapy is based on the clinical effects of the world community and has a lot of evidence. I can give a few examples only to hint at the methods. With the help of our treatment, all liquid media and tissues in the body are saturated with oxygen, toxic metabolic products are removed, the tone of blood vessels is normalized, flatulence disappears and bowel function improves, the composition of the intestinal microflora gradually normalizes, the functional state of the central nervous system is restored, sleep and appetite are normalized, anxiety indicators are reduced, mood improves, activity increases, hormonal balance normalizes, active speech appears in children and adults after injuries. These are the clinical results of the methods and technologies existing in the world, they are not complicated, but we have collected them into one thing.

We have developed a unique annual program for children with autism, which includes more than one thousand four hundred hours of work with each child. There are more than ten proven and clinically proven therapies in this program that help improve everything I talked about. This annual program includes the best methods of treatment under the supervision of doctors and is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. It also includes providing the necessary proper nutrition, daily dosed physical activity and about 5 hours of a dozen other methods of treatment. The program for the treatment of a child with autism costs 35 thousand dollars for 15 months. This is the right way of life for a child with autism for a whole year with everything necessary for this child.

Additional advantages: availability of own parking, availability of a kitchen and a dining room for patients, an interactive game room, as well as other comfortable conditions for patients to stay during a rehabilitation course at the Brain Stimulation Center clinic.

If you want to get effective help with patient care, contact the Brain Stimulation Center. To make an appointment with our specialists, call our call center at the numbers listed on the website.

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі у медичній сфері"

Certificate "Industry Leader in the Medical Sector"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


Волошина Наталья 19.04.2021


About Us

Большое горе, когда дети болеют. Моему ребенку три года назад в 8 месяцев поставили диагноз ДЦП. не знала куда бежать, где брать средства. В интернете стала искать реабилитационные центры. Остановилась на Центр Стимуляции Мозга, собирали всем селом меня в дорогу. Сегодня моему ребенку 4,5 года. Мы сидим, ходим пока на костылях, ну у нас хорошая динамика, знаем все буквы, пробуем читать, считаем до 10, уверенно держим ложку. Все это благодаря кропотливой работе специалистов ЦМС, они подарили нам веру в чудо, надежду на полноценное будущее. Врачи с большой буквы. Хочу выразить особенно огромную благодарность врачу-логопеду Анищеннко Виктории Николаевне благодаря ей мы в школу пойдем в 6 лет, неврологу Селезневой Ольге Ивановне, остеопату Жук А.В. благодаря, которому мы стоим на своих ножках, и всем - всем специалистам кто каждый день нам помогает психологам , реабилитологам, физиотерапевтам, медсестрам.За четыре года, весь коллектив стал для нас практически семьей, спасибо, за помощь, за надежду. Я все мамочкам у кого похожая беда рекомендую обращаться в ЦМС в г. Киеве.

Сергій Петрович 06.02.2021


About Us

Проходив реабілітацію після операції на хребті. Взагалі не пишу відгуки, але тут вирішив поділитися. Після операції лікар мене лякав, мов відновлення не менше півроку. Але за допомогою комплексу фізіотерапії та професійного масажу вийшов з клініки своїми ногами і рівною спиною через 2 місяці. Тепер хочу дочку привести на терапію, для стимуляції мозку і пам'яті. Їй 5 років і вона не вимовляє букву "р". До логопеда ходили рівно тиждень тепер ричім, як тигри. Кому знадобиться клініка ЦСМ - вона знаходиться в м. Києві по вул. Порика 13-б. Я знайшов її через інтернет, там є вся детальна інформація, і можна онлайн проконсультуватися. Рекомендую!

Петрова Олеся 29.11.2020


About Us

Хочу выразить благодарность всему персоналу ЦСМ особенно создателю этого центра Киян О.С . Это 100% сервис. Не просто вежливый персонал - это люди болеющие душой за каждого пациента, врачи -профессионалы. Моему ребенку 8 лет, диагноз аутизм. Мы неоднократно выезжали на лечение за границу. Ну все это трудно, дорого и языковой барьер, перелеты с необычным ребенком, всегда тяжело, но к нашим у меня доверия нет. Но запускать нельзя, поэтому в связи с пандемией пришлось искать клинику в городе. Я была приятно удивлена, когда обратилась в центр, ничем не уступает привычных для нас. Оборудование все новые, специалисты- высшего уровня. Особенно хочется выделить работу психологов Полтавской В.В и Романченко И.В.. Я до сих пор не могу смириться с болезнью сына, девчонки не только работали с Андреем, они помогали мне переживать все случившиеся истерики, подсказали, как реагировать. Итого после полгода лечения Андрюха, стал потихоньку говорить, реже уходит в себя, практически не истерить, очень любит играть в конструктор, начал напевать песенки, пока только мелодии, но уже хоть что-то. Обожает занятия с логопедом. Теперь я знаю , что не одна в своем горе. Спасибо, вернемся через три месяца на повторную реабилитацию.

Володимир 18.09.2020


About Us

У мене сколіоз, остеохондроз, часто мучать болі під час загострення, з'являється сильна задишка. Друзі порекомендували звернутися в Центр Стимуляції Мозку. Пройшов курс фізіотерапії, голковколювання, монотерапії. Відчуваю себе по молодецьки. Тепер дружина проходить курс професійного масажу, перед курсом її обстежили, що здивувало, і тільки тоді дозволили масаж. Тепер це наша сімейна клініка. Дочка ходить до логопеда психолога Романченко І.В., проходить різні процедури, що дуже допомогло позбутися від проблем в школі. Єдине "АЛЕ" це ціна, проте за якість звичайно треба платити.

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