Pediatric Neurologist focuses on diagnostic and treatment of different nervous system disorders.
Pediatric Neurologist focuses on diagnostic and treatment of different nervous system disorders.
A Pediatric Neurologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats abnormalities of the nervous system in newborns, toddlers, middle-aged and older children, and adolescents. Diseases of the nervous system indicate malfunctions of the brain, spine, nerves or muscles. Disorders manifest themselves as developmental delays, behavioral changes, headaches and/or seizures. A consultation with a child neurologist at the Center for Brain Stimulation will provide the necessary diagnosis, help identify disorders in the child's development, CNS abnormalities, and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Pediatric Neurologist consultation is needed for accurate diagnosis and differential diagnostics — to confirm or refute an existing diagnosis, to prescribe the correct course of treatment or rehabilitation.
A Pediatric Neurologist monitors the condition of children with chronic neurological diseases: cerebral palsy, epilepsy, genetic diseases (Down syndrome, neuromuscular diseases), and congenital disorders.
There are a wide range of symptoms in Pediatric Neurology when the Pediatric Neurologist Consultation is needed:
A Pediatric Neurologist should be consulted if the child becomes distractible, inattentive, hyperactive, has memory problems or if teachers notice barriers to learning. The child may also demonstrate protest behavior, i.e. aggression, self-aggression, and negativism.
Neurologists are highly trained professionals capable of diagnosing combined conditions via a detailed history and physical examination, including testing for changes in condition, vision, speech, strength, sensitivity, coordination, and reflexes. Even as medicine becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the neurological exam remains a critical component of patient evaluation.
In order for the consultation with a neurologist to be the most effective, you need to prepare for it:
Careful preparation for the consultation is the key to the effective use of the time allotted for an appointment with a child neurologist. So before the appointment, make sure you have not forgotten anything and noted all the important points.
The consultation with the pediatric neurologist should be postponed if the child has a high fever, acute respiratory infections or other acute infectious conditions.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis may be required additional checkups: EEG, MRI, CT scan, blood tests. In our center it is possible to have an electroencephalogram immediately before the consultation with a neurologist.
EEG (electroencephalogram) is a graphic representation of brain electrical activity. This diagnostic method allows you to evaluate the state of functional activity of the brain and identify disorders of its bioelectrical activity in various CNS pathologies.
Parents come for a consultation with a pediatric neurologist with all available tests and examination results. The neurologist collects a medical history and performs a physical examination.
The basis of neurological diagnostics is a thorough, step-by-step examination by a child neurologist with examination of functions of the nervous system: reflex tests, examination of functions of sensitivity, movement, and coordination.
Based on the neurological examination, test results and diagnostic tests, the Paediatric Neurologist may recommend consultation with a Paediatric Psychiatrist or other narrow specialists and prescribe the most appropriate treatment in each particular case.
The treatment of neurological diseases in children is aimed primarily at:
Pediatric neurology relies on conservative methods of treatment: pharmacotherapy, physical therapy, therapeutic exercise, massage, reflexology, manual therapy, etc.
Are you looking for a good Neurologist? A Pediatric Neurologist, at the Center for Brain Stimulation will help deal with your child's problem and choose the best treatment. You can make an appointment to see a Pediatric Neurologist by calling on the listed phone number or directly on the website of the clinic. Fill out a short form and you will get a call right away!
Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123
Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)
Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124
License № 282410
Certificate "Industry Leader in the Medical Sector"
Certificate "Industry Leader in the Medical Sector"
Ганна 26.04.2021
Консультація дитячого невролога
Я наразі повноцінно не розумію як це працює, але в нашому житті стався певний переворот. Пів року тому, моєму племіннику Юрію поставили діагноз "аутизм". Ми з чоловіком та батьками хлопчика помічали, що він розвивається не так як інші діти, племінник грався лише наодинці, сторонився інших дітей в садочку, майже не розмовляв, чітко виконував лише обмежену кількість дій. Але ми не уявляли, що це аутизм. Поштовхом стало, що дитина відмовилась від гостей на своєму дні народженні, а при намаганнях провести час з іншими дітьми були істерики. Батьки Юрія звернулися до ЦСМ, там за лікування взявся невролог Малиновська Надія Євгенівна. Коли знаходишся у неї на прийомі то здається, що все для тебе, враховуються будь які прохання. Ми та батьки Юрчика отримували детальні інструкції щодо методик які необхідно виконувати в домашніх умовах. Наразі лікування продовжується, але вже прогрес від занять дуже помітний.
Ирина Сергеевна 12.09.2020
Консультация детского невролога
Были у невролога с ребенком на лечении нервного расстройства, не только вылечила ребенка, она оказала колоссальную поддержку мне, уже отчаявшейся маме. Спасибо, Вам огромное, успехов вам в труде и в жизни.
Валентин 08.05.2020
Консультация детского невролога
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность всему персоналу Центра Стимуляции мозга. Когда нас направили на прием, к молодому специалисту, в мыслях крутилось "Сейчас нас налечат", но я был не прав. Нам очень помогли, результат положительный. Ну понервничал, я здорово.