
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

Psychologist Consultation

A pediatric psychologist focuses on problems relating to the aspects of the child's psychic, the emotional and psychological development of the child, and deals with them.

Консультація психолога в Києві

Pediatric Psychologist Consultation

Does an adult or a child need psychological help? Do you feel out of the consequences of stress, suffer from insomnia or intrusive thoughts? Psychologist consultation at the Center for Brain Stimulation will help you to find the way out of different difficult situations for the residents of Kyiv and the guests of Ukrainian capital. Dealing with family problems, search for points of contact with the child in the educational moments, unusual behavior, nervousness and aggression, apathy, fatigue, sleep disturbance - these and many other signs are reasons to seek professional help.

For what psychologist consultation is needed?

Psychology is a science that studies the principles of harmonious development of humans, the quality of their relationships with other people in different situations of life, emotionality, and the like. And the psychologist is a "healer of the soul", as stated before. His/her key role is to implement programs, methods and techniques for the detection of already studied disorders of emotional development and their regulation. That is why the Psychologist consultation at the Center for Brain Stimulation is often recommended not only for adults, but also for children and adolescents for behavioral correction, rehabilitation or treatment of various intellectual development disorders.

At the psychological sessions with the child, the psychologist often engages the parents' resources as well, explaining and regulating their behavior and attitude towards the problem in a certain way, teaching communication with the child in order to minimize signs of disorders and form a healthy psycho-emotional background in the family. Knowledge of child psychology is very necessary for parents because most of the time the child spends at home with family. At home he/she gets prerequisites and attitudes in education, there he/she learns the limits of acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and he/she learns to deal with the surrounding world. Psychologist consultation helps parents and relatives of the child to correctly form an atmosphere of mutual understanding in the family. And it gives the children new skills for interacting with adults and expressing themselves.


The following signs and symptoms are indicative of necessity to get Psychologist consultation:

Psychology and its methods help parents and relatives of the child in following cases:

What to do before the Pediatric Psychologist consultation?

It’s better to make a list of questions that you would like to ask the specialist before visiting a psychologist. Before making the list, you should think about how long ago the problem you are interested in arose and under what circumstances it most often manifests itself.

In case of the existence of disorders of the nervous system or mental health that affect a child's development and normal psycho-emotional state, the specialists may ask you to see the results of diagnostic tests. If necessary, a consultation with a child neurologist or psychiatrist can be obtained from the experienced specialists of the Center for Brain Stimulation.

If parents agree to work and do certain homework, the Pediatric Psychologist can recommend that they do some exercises at home and report on the results. The specialist's recommendations should be followed when performing such assignments.

During consultation with a psychologist, parents or accompanying persons are assigned the role of observer during communication between the child and the specialist. Such an approach will help to receive the clearest possible picture of the existing problem and to find the correct solution for its elimination. If necessary, the psychologist will ask for interaction with the child in order to obtain a certain result.

How does the consultation undergo?

The first consultation with a Pediatric Psychologist should be conducted in a certified medical center. Such a center in the capital of Ukraine is CBS. At this Center the interaction between the specialist and the patient takes place at the cabinet, the interior of which helps the child to feel comfortable.

When communicating with young children, the psychologist uses techniques that can be conducted in game form. For communicating with older children, age-appropriate and interest-appropriate methods are chosen. Such an approach sets the patient up for a positive result of the consultation.

Psychologist consultation lasts at least 1-1.5 hours. After the first visit, the specialist can see psychological disorders or psychological problems. On the basis of the data obtained after psychological assessment, he gives an opinion and also makes a plan for subsequent sessions in order to achieve a positive result of therapy.

Applied Methods

The psychologists of Rehabilitation Center use different approaches under which the following methods are applied:

Diagnostic methods can also focus on the study of interpersonal communication and diagnosis of readiness for school. Diagnostics of the intellectual development of the child considers age patterns and the zone of the nearest development.

For very young children (up to the age of 3):

The following methods for correction and rehabilitation can be offered:

The Psychologist gives recommendations related to the treatment in written and oral form.


Methods used by our specialists help in the treatment and correction of different disorders such as:

The psychological help provided at the Center for Brain Stimulation helps eliminate problems that arise in communication with exceptional children, establish a positive atmosphere in the family, helps relatives to accept the problem, as well as holds a promise for significant improvement of the child's condition.

Our Advantages

  1. A comprehensive approach to each patient when visiting a psychologist.
  2. Opportunity to consult a child psychiatrist or neurologist.
  3. High level of qualifications of specialists.
  4. Individual approach to each child.
  5. Readiness to work with parents and relatives of the patient.
  6. Tactfulness and empathy in communication with the child and persons accompanying him/her.
  7. State rehabilitation programs for certain categories of patients to receive recommendations from a psychologist.
  8. Affordable cost of psychologist's consultation.
  9. Comfortable environment in the Rehabilitation Center.


A Pediatric Psychologist provides comprehensive assistance in the correction of problems in upbringing, as well as a wide range of diseases, pathologies and developmental disorders. Patients of our Rehabilitation Center can receive not only psychological assistance, but also consultations of other specialists.

Before the consultation of the Pediatric Psychologist at the Center for Brain Stimulation you can read about the experience of our specialists on our website. You may schedule an appointment by call. Our call center operators will answer all your questions and help you choose the most convenient time to visit the clinic. Together we can cope with any psychological problems.

Licenses and Certificates

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі в медичній сфері"

Certificate "Industry leader in the medical field"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian prize "Heroes of Small Business 2021"



    Олена 20.05.2021


    Консультація психолога

    Хочу подякувати психологу Халевич Юлії Олександрівні за її професіоналізм, доброту, чуйність і співпереживання. Дитина до істерики боялася темряви. Вигадливі ігри, так би я назвала її заняття з дитиною. Вже після третього сеансу ми спали без нічника. Найголовніше, що Юлія Олександрівна з усією серйозністю прийняла нас з нашою проблемою, допомогла виявити можливу причину цього страху. Дуже коректно зробила зауваження мені як реагувати на ті чи інші дії дитини. Хоча інші фахівці в різних закладах тільки з мене сміялися, і стверджували, що всі діти бояться темряви. Костя став спокійнішим. Всім рекомендую цей центр, в ньому дуже багато можливостей виправити дефекти розвитку дитини та кращі фахівці. Дуже дякую, Вам, за допомогу!!

    Владимир 25.04.2021


    Консультация психолога

    Большое спасибо доктору Халевич Ю. А. за проведенные с ребенком занятия. Идем на поправку.

    Юлия Петровна 06.04.2021


    Консультация психолога

    Мы обращались к Юлии Александровне, чтобы решить некоторые подростковые проблемы у ребенка. Все получилось, теперь знаем, как решать подобные ситуации и вообще - как реагировать на обстоятельства. И ребенку легче, и мы для себя открыли новые моменты в воспитании и общении. Она действительно профессионал! Побольше бы таких врачей! еще раз спасибо!!!

    Катерина 15.03.2021


    Консультація психолога

    У мене дуже знервована дитина, погано спить, може серед ночі прокинутися від кошмарів. Звернулися в Центр Стимуляції мозку на проспекті Василя Порика, був поставлений діагноз-гіперактивність. Такого гарного сервісу в лікарнях я ніколи не бачила. Найввічливіший лікар Халевич Юлія Олександрівна, чітко все розповіла, розписала і почала лікування. Дитина в захваті від занять. Після п'яти сеансів ми помітили значні позитивні зміни. Велика подяка за допомогу!

    Микола Андрійович 08.02.2021


    Консультація психолога

    Сину встановили діагноз енурез. Півроку ганяли нас по лікарнях, напихали ліками, ніякого результату. За рекомендацією друзів звернулися в центр. Були на консультації у психолога Халевич Ю.О. Після обстеження, проводили заняття з дитиною, а також потрібно було пройти допоміжні процедури. Ми звичайно позбулися проблем, але пішло на це набагато більше часу, ніж обіцяли, а відповідно і грошей. Але все ж спасибі вам за результат.

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