Consultation with an experienced psychiatrist who has all the skills and knowledge needed to diagnose and treat mental health disorders and illnesses.

Addresses of the Clinics
+38 (073) 073-03-85 +38 (096) 665-57-97 +38 (099) 353-91-84
Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00
Consultation with an experienced psychiatrist who has all the skills and knowledge needed to diagnose and treat mental health disorders and illnesses.
Need help from a specialist in psychiatry in Kyiv? Interested in making an appointment to see a psychiatrist? Are you worried about nervous tension, burnout, constant fatigue and irritation, panic attacks, insomnia or other symptoms? At the Centre for Brain Stimulation competent specialists provide comprehensive advice on any, even the most complex psychiatric disorders.
Many people refuse to see a psychiatrist because they are ashamed to admit even to themselves that they have a mental health problem. But in fact, seeing a psychiatrist is just as important as seeing any other specialist doctor: an ear nose throat doctor, a surgeon, a dentist or a trauma surgeon. A psychiatrist is a specialist with specialized medical education. Psychiatry is a separate branch of clinical medicine that studies, diagnoses and seeks ways to treat mental disorders. Therefore, do not delay in seeking qualified medical care and take care of your health today.
Psychiatrist means "healer of souls". In ancient times, disorders of the mind, consciousness and will were considered "mental illnesses". A good psychiatrist will confirm or rule out the existence of a disorder. Consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary if mental disorders are suspected. It is also necessary to obtain a medical certificate for admission to higher education, for service in the uniformed services, for drivers and those working in special institutions.
Modern psychiatry also makes it possible to assess the risk of developing mental disorders. Advice on how to prevent these will be obtained from a psychiatrist.
Psychotherapy is a branch of psychiatry that is responsible for the non-medical treatment with various forms of psychotherapeutic techniques aimed at treating various forms of mental disorders of a non-psychotic level (asthenic syndrome, depression, gambling addiction, emotional burnout, anxiety syndrome and psychosomatic problems).
Patients are not always aware that they need to see a psychiatrist. However, some symptoms are a good reason to make an appointment with a psychiatrist:
Inadequate functioning such as panic, suspiciousness, resentfulness without cause, tearfulness, uncontrollable anger, fear of human contact, inadequate behaviour and loss of social contacts.
Psychiatric help is needed for the person concerned if they do not perceive the situation as a psychiatric disorder themselves, but if a painful personality change is evident to those around them. The relative needs to be seen by a doctor when mental health problems occur:
According to the WHO, a visit to a psychiatrist with a child or adolescent is necessary because these age groups are more vulnerable to emotional disorders. For example, help from a psychiatrist is needed in cases of:
Proper and timely treatment by a psychiatrist will avoid irreversible consequences.
Modern psychiatry has several specialisations. The main ones are:
There are also counselling, military, emergency and other areas of psychiatry that deal with various mental illnesses and conditions. The types of mental disorders that psychiatrists treat can be listed for a very long time.
At our Centre, specialists deal with many illnesses. The main focus is on the problems with which we are most commonly approached:
Mental disorders can be treated more easily if help is sought early. You should not be afraid to agree to be examined by a psychiatrist due to prejudice. There will not be any coercion; it is even possible to consult a psychiatrist anonymously. In addition, it is not only patients with severe mental illness who need the help of a doctor. Not everyone can deal with their worries and mental problems independently. Often such attempts lead to a worsening of the situation and the development of somatic disorders. Postponing a visit is dangerous to your overall health.
A private psychiatrist's appointment at a health centre has its limitations. A patient with acute psychosis, severe suicidal tendencies or life-threatening behaviour cannot be admitted to the clinic.
All questions relating to restrictions and contraindications for psychiatric examination are resolved individually and with the consent of the patient. Underage persons are only consulted by our doctors in the presence of their parents/guardians.
A psychiatrist's appointment at the Centre for Brain Stimulation begins with an interview with the patient's informed consent (or their representatives), gathering anamnestic data about their life and the course of their illness. It is, therefore, best to prepare for the interview in advance; you can even write down your doubts, symptoms, and concerns. The next stage of diagnostics at the psychiatrist's appointment is to describe the patient's mental state based on subjective and objective data and testing. The doctor assesses the adequacy of the patient's perception and examines the state of mental functions.
A diagnosis is made based on the overall clinical picture and test results. In addition, the following may be prescribed:
This approach allows mental disorders to be accurately diagnosed and differentiated from other pathologies, including those caused by infection, intoxication, trauma and cancer. Examinations are prescribed on an individual basis, after which the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment.
Psychiatric treatment for mental disorders is provided:
The first includes talking, art therapy, music, and hypnosis. In the second case, antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquillizers, mood stabilizers, sedatives and sleeping pills may be prescribed. Physiotherapy, massage and a hyperbaric chamber can improve the results in the treatment of mental illness.
If the illness has been triggered by another pathology, treatment is carried out with the participation of doctors of the relevant specialities - cardiologist, neurologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, etc.
Our specialists have all the skills and knowledge needed to diagnose and treat mental disorders and illnesses. Their extensive medical experience allows them to help you as quickly as possible. The services of a psychiatrist at CBS are accompanied by:
Consultation with a psychiatrist is affordable for most citizens. Our specialists do not look for non-existent disorders and do not prescribe unnecessary and expensive medication. Our priority is to restore health, rehabilitate and improve the patient's quality of life, as evidenced by the reviews we receive, particularly on our website.
You can make an appointment with a psychiatrist at our clinic over the phone or by using our online form.
Experienced psychiatrists of Kyiv, working at the Center for Brain Stimulation will help to restore peace of mind and tranquillity, will provide qualified aid and will give the right recommendations for correction of your condition. Do not delay taking care of your health, make an appointment with a psychiatrist in Kyiv by phone at +38 (063) 302-90-71 right now.
Лена 19.05.2021
Консультация психиатра
Как и многих в это тяжелое время, меня уволили с работы. Якобы сокращение. Подруга уговорила пойти к психиатру. Настроение не але совсем, руки опускаются. По моей специальности сейчас вообще найти что-то - не вариант. И возраст не 25 лет совсем. На ресепшене записали к Дорошенко А. Е. Схожу, а там посмотрим. По крайней мере - это близко, живу на соседней улице от Центра стимуляции мозга.
Ольга 06.04.2021
Консультація психіатра
Проблеми у стосунках із викладачем в університеті не минулися просто так. Сину тяжко, переживає, хоча і не показує цього. Він у мене такий домашній. Булінг - це не жарти, скажу я вам, буває завжди і будь де. Вирішила зводити до психіатра. А тут прочитала статтю - і йому показала. Погодився. Сам вибрав по фото до кого - каже на бабусю нашу схожа. Як для мене - хоч на діда, аби тільки допомогла. Записалися ми до Дорошенко Анни (побатькове не пам'ятаю). Добре що на вихідних можна сходити, щоб вдень, спокійно, ніхто не заважав. Хороша жінка, лагідна, з сином спокійно і впевнено розмовляла, наче ми вже не перший раз приходимо, це приємно. Отримали рекомендації. не страшні, але треба виконувати і згодом прийти ще раз, за місяць. Сказала все буде добре! Спасибі центру, всьому персоналу і лікарю особливо!
Віктор 23.03.2021
Консультація психіатра
На роботі сказали, що потріюно отримати нову категорію прав. А там відправили до психіатра мовляв для перестраховки. Записався у центр стимуляції мозку. Побував на співбесіді, отримав справку. Швидко і без проблем. От за це і дякую!