Principle of the method is that due to specific listening trainings human brain relearns to adopt and process sound signals, as a result received information is processed better.
Principle of the method is that due to specific listening trainings human brain relearns to adopt and process sound signals, as a result received information is processed better.
Tomatis Method is a special method of listening training aiming to improve adopting and processing of audio signals by brain. Principle of the method is that due to specific listening trainings human brain relearns to adopt and process sound signals, as a result received information is processed better.
Tomatis Therapy gives high results, especially in the following areas:
By the way, Tomatis Method is even recommended for late pregnant women. Tomatis is said to favor the child's future psychological and linguistic development even before birth.
Tomatis Method is one of the gentlest of all therapies and is therefore indicated for children in their early years.
Tomatis Therapy may be required when the child has:
Indications for Tomatis Therapy are:
Tomatis Therapy develops the ability of the brain to absorb and remember only the necessary information, weeding out the "garbage".
Despite of Tomatis is safe, there is some contraindications that are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The most frequent contraindications for Tomatis are:
From time to time after Tomatis the clients face with problems with their usual behavioral skills, but these will subside 7-14 days after the completion of the course.
Before the procedure the patient must complete medical checkup:
Before beginning a session with Tomatis therapy, the client wears bone-conducting headphones that transmit specially processed audio recordings. These are usually works by Mozart or Gregorian choir, as they contain many high pitched sounds. The Tomatis procedure at Center for Brain Stimulation allows the client to do whatever he/she wants during the session, as it lasts up to 2 hours.
The audio-psycho-phonology with its special processing of the audio signal and constant and rapid changes in its frequency and intensity, acts on the muscular apparatus of the ear to activate auditory and motor functions.
Developed in the 1950s, the Tomatis Method has proven its efficacy over decades of active use.
Some of the effects of Tomatis therapy are:
As a rule, the procedure has a positive impact in several areas at once, generally improving the patient's quality of life. Long-term practice has shown that children who have undergone auditory training understand the meaning of what they hear better and remember the necessary information more quickly. For example, one of the most common effects of such treatment is the emergence of language abilities. The child becomes interested in learning, because information is remembered more quickly and easily, and their academic performance increases. As a result, the child becomes more self-confident, has his own goals, and his activity increases, followed by the ability to control and manage his various body movements, imagination, memory, and the ability to think.
The effect of auditory training lasts for years, and in many cases for life.
Tomatis therapy is a highly effective procedure that has a number of undeniable advantages. Among them are:
Additionally, the Tomatis Therapy at the Center for Brain Stimulation allows for the use of voice recordings of the mother during treatment.
Why choose our center for Tomatis? All of our patients receive the following benefits:
Tomatis Listening Therapy at the Center for Brain Stimulation is performed under the supervision of experienced physicians, who continually are trained and raise qualification level.
Aren’t you succeeded in dealing with your child's psycho-emotional problems? Tomatis Therapy will help you. The price for treatment will not make you hesitate. If you have any questions, please contact with our Call Center!
ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123
ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123 (ENG)
ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229124
ILicense № 282410
Certificate "Leader in the Medical Industry"
Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"
Довлатова Мария 02.10.2020
Томатис-терапия для детей
Хочу сказать огромное спасибо Ирине Витальевне Мельниченко,за ее заботу ,уважение ,понимание Прошли с ребенком процедуру "Томатис" под строгим контролем нашего доктора ,все супер, ребенок довольный, а главное 100% результат! Спасибо вам доктор !!!!! Также хочу отметить вежливость всего персонала, все очень вежливые, всегда поддерживают хорошую атмосферу в клинике.
Александра 15.08.2020
Томатис-терапия для детей
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Ольге Геннадиевне Козубенко, привела к ней ребенка, после другого доктора. Ольга Геннадьевна провела необходимые анализы, назначила звуковое лечение, а самое главное настроила на положительный результат! Доктор от Бога! Теперь только к ней!
Марія 29.07.2020
Томатис-терапия для детей
Так склалося, що народила першу дитину після 35, обстеження не показували жодних відхилень, але ближче до року почала помічати деякі проблеми, яких не було у дитин подруг та сестер. Почала бити на сполох, бо я розумію, що краще обстежитись, ніж чекати, що само пройде. Дитині поставили попередній діагноз "аутичний розлад", дали рекомендації та сказали "спостерігайте". Ну ок, хто я, щоб сваритися з лікарями? Спостерігал. І що? Діагноз підтвердився, лікарі "ми не можемо допомогти, це не лікується". У 21 сторіччі це не думаю, що все так безнадійно. Плюнула на тих педіатрів, почала сама шукати варіанти, питати у інших матусь на форумах. Так у нас зайшла мова про фізіотерапевтичні процедури. Дівчата писали, що їх дітям допомогло, дали контакти Центру стимуляції мозку. Не буду переказувати всі подробиці, але ми вже пройшли перший курс томатис терапії і тут нам лікарі сказали, що є надія. Після сеансів показували різницю у електроенцефалограмі дитини. Я бачу чіткий результат і розумію, що в центрі працюють не шарлатани.