tDCS or Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is an effective therapy method enabling formation of selective effect of problem zone of CNS.
tDCS or Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is an effective therapy method enabling formation of selective effect of problem zone of CNS.
tDCS or Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is an effective therapy method enabling formation of selective effect of problem zone of CNS by receiving a small amount of electric current in the projection area. The method of micropolarization works by applying a positive (anodal) or negative (cathodal) current via electrodes to an area.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation assumes placement of electrodes on the following areas of cerebro-spinal axis:
tDCS of the brain enables targeted therapy for a variety of neurological pathologies.
tDCS when applied to the projective areas of the brain improves the speech, action, memory and speech-motor zones, strengthens connections in the nervous system tissues and improves functioning of the 1 and 2 signal systems of the brain, through which perception and processing of all signals from outside and formation of meaningful actions in response to the received signal.
tDCS performed at the «Center for Brain Stimulation» shows excellent results in the treatment of children's neurological and mental diseases. Direct indications for tDCS are CNS pathologies, head injury rehabilitation, consequences of perinatal encephalopathy; neuroinfectious brain diseases, stroke, and intoxication by cholinolytic agents.
It is worth to consult in following cases:
tDCS at the «Center for Brain Stimulation» more often is carried out for the treatment of:
Other problems such as Parkinson's disease, Asperger's syndrome, spastic tetraparesis, childhood mental retardation, cerebral vascular disorders, visual dysfunctions, enuresis, fecal incontinence, sense of smell, psycho-emotional disorders, stuttering, tics, strabismus, convulsive syndromes, scoliosis, hyperactivity should be considered for a course of micro-polarization procedures.
tDCS at the «Center for Brain Stimulation» is performed by experienced specialists using modern unique equipment in Ukraine.
In spite of noninvasive and painless tDCS, it has contraindications just like any other treatment method. When choosing such a method of treatment as tDCS, contraindications are determined individually for each patient, taking into account his/her condition and constitutional peculiarities.
General contraindications to tDCS are:
Besides, the doctors don’t recommend undertake tDCS treatment when taking strong psychotropic drugs, as well as treatment by the method of muscle electrical and vibrostimulation.
Before prescribing tDCS the doctor refers the patient for diagnostics to clarify the condition at the time of the course of procedures, as well as for early recognition of possible contraindications.
Before tDCS the patient may be recommended to do:
Before the treatment all patients are needed Neurologist and Psychiatrist consultation.
At the beginning of tDCS session the specialist puts a special helmet on the patient's head, on which electrodes are attached in the desired projection area. If the treatment is conducted on the spinal cord area, a belt with the same function is placed around the patient's torso. One therapy session lasts 20 minutes, and the duration of the course is determined by the doctor. During the session, the patient can feel free. If a child is being treated, he or she can play, read or work with a speech therapist during this time.
tDCS is one of the safest and most effective methods of treating disorders of metabolic processes in the brain. The method of tDCS provides an opportunity to accelerate delayed development of CNS functionality.
In young patients the main effects of tDCS after the first procedures are as follows:
In order to achieve a stable effect of strengthening connections in the nervous system tissues, at least 10 sessions of tCDS procedures are required.
tDCS has many advantages in comparison with the other techniques. Among them are:
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation at the «Center for Brain Stimulation» is performed by qualified pediatric Neurologists, Olha Ivanivna Selezneva and Olha Hennadiyivna Kozubenko.
Do you consider examination of the child? Have you noticed any abnormalities in his/her development? Contact us and you will receive all necessary information about the procedure of tDCS, the price of consultations and procedures, and help you choose an appropriate time to visit the center.
ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123
ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123 (ENG)
ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229124
License № 282410
Certificate "Leader in the Medical Industry"
Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"
Семья Бутко 01.08.2020
Транскраниальная микрополяризация
Мы благодарны замечательному персоналу клиники, этим добрым волшебникам от медицины, которые без боли и страданий дарят людям шанс на новую, лучшую жизнь. Мы постараемся этот шанс не упустить.
Кристина и Мишенька 11.07.2020
Транскраниальная микрополяризация
Дорогая наша Ольга Геннадьевна, нет слов, чтобы выразить вам нашу признательность! У сыночка была задержка речевого развития и занятия с психологом в садике результата никакого не давали, как и рекомендованные упражнения. А в ваших чутких руках мы пошли на поправку. Прошел всего месяц после окончания курса лечения, а Мишенька уже гораздо охотнее общается и учится выражать свои мысли. Спасибо вам огромное-преогромное и больших успехов в вашей нелегкой работе!
Тимур 03.06.2020
Транскраниальная микрополяризация
после аварии проблемы с памятью стали настоящей проблемой.чтобы не забыть самые простые вещи приходилось все записывать в блокноты или стикеры клеить.но это не жизнь.мой невропатолог посоветовала мне найти клинику где проводят ткмп,сказала что такое лечение даст хороший пинок к восстановлению.я нашол процедуру в этой клинике и действительно здешние специалисты после осмотра назначили мне курс пока 10 процедур.результата пока не знаю но прогнозы положительные.