
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

Cell-based therapy

Our attempts to obtain maximum efficacy in the use of stem cells have been successful. The benefits of our add-on therapy are as follows: saturation of all liquid media and tissues with oxygen, excretion of toxic metabolic products, improvement of the vascular tone, resolution of flatulence and improvement of bowel function, gradual recovery of intestinal microflora, restoration of the CNS functioning, improvement of sleep and appetite, reduction of anxiety, improvement of mood, increase in activity, hormonal balancing.

Клеточная терапия

Cell-based therapy is a treatment with stem cells

Cell-based therapy is a novel therapeutic approach based on the delivery of living human cells into the patient's body. Up-to-date regenerative medicine involves both the use of native (natural, non-manipulated) cells, and laboratory-processed (cultivated/differentiated) cells. Cell-based/regenerative therapy uses various types of stem cells. 

Stem cells are precursors of specialized cells that can give rise to any tissue. The therapeutic efficacy of stem cells is due to their restorative (regenerative) effects. Cell-based therapy is currently one of the most promising approaches to the treatment of diseases that were considered incurable. The unique nature of our treatment lies in the fact that we can guide and adjust the effects after the administration of stem cells, focusing the effective force exactly where it is needed. This technique is the only one within Ukraine, and our medical solutions are unique worldwide!

Biotechnologies are among the most complex and costly methods, but Ukraine already has both specific equipment and highly skilled professionals with experience in cell-based therapy. 

The Center for Brain Stimulation provides consultation, diagnostics and a full treatment cycle using cell-based therapies. 

Types of stem cells 

There are 2 main types of stem cells:

Adult stem cells are cells that are derived from:

Medicine uses both own (autologous) stem cells, and donor ones. Treatment with donor (allogeneic) cells only is indicated for some diseases, while autologous cells is a preferable source for other ones. 

Based on the functions, there are:

Hematopoietic stem cells are used in the treatment of the blood and immune disorders, while mesenchymal stem cells are used in regenerative (restorative) therapy for a wide range of diseases, in particular, in neurology. A combination of both stem cell populations is feasible.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are rightfully hailed as the linchpin of future regenerative medicine. They boast a host of unique attributes: the capacity to differentiate into a wide array of bodily cell types, significant potential for regenerative processes, and the ability to combat inflammation and stimulate the rejuvenation or complete renewal of damaged tissues.

The characteristics of MSCs can vary greatly depending on their source of extraction. Those derived from umbilical cord blood are considered particularly valuable, offering enhanced potential and a spectrum of effects twice as broad as MSCs from other sources.

Cord blood stem cells are considered especially promising approach due to their higher regenerative potential and the ability to differentiate into cells of various tissues and organs, as well as to low immunogenicity. These cells is an ideal source for the child from whose umbilical cord they are collected, and often for close relatives as well.

What are the indications for stem cell treatment 

Stem cells are used both in combination treatment (concurrently with other agents and procedures) and as monotherapy for a wide range of serious disorders. Cell-based therapy is the only hope for health professionals to improve the patient's condition if the other treatments have failed. The advances in regenerative medicine are impressive. 

The indications for the use of stem cells include:

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of stem cells is associated with the release of specific biologically active substances, such as growth factors that promote regeneration of various tissues (CNS, heart, blood vessels, liver, musculoskeletal system, etc.). The transformation of stem cells delivered into the tissues of affected organs was observed, suggesting subsequent restoration (transdifferentiation). Mesenchymal stem cells can reduce inflammation and are being used more widely in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Contraindications for stem cell therapy

Despite the popularity and versatility of cell-based therapy, there are clinical situations where it is not recommended. These include the following conditions:

However, cell-based therapy can be used in some contraindicated diseases. This is determined by the patient's well-being and the features of the disease. 

Prior to the administration of cell-based therapy, the existance of contraindicated diseases should be excluded by means of thorough diagnosis. The Center for Brain Stimulation provides required examinations and procedures to establish a diagnosis and administer cell-based therapy or another method. 

Stem cells in neurology 

Cell-based therapy may alleviate the course of various neurological conditions and improve the quality of life. A growing body of evidence suggest the efficacy of cell-based therapy in the treatment of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injuries and autism spectrum disorders. 

Neuroregeneration due to the use of stem cells combined with rehabilitation, behavioral therapy and, if applicable, drug therapy significantly improves the condition of patients with cerebral palsy. Substantial experience has been gained in treating pediatric patients with this disorder and autism, using autologous cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells. Human umbilical cord blood contains a specific protein that can improve cognitive functions (the processes of memorization, learning, cognition). 

Stem cells are able to transform into structural components of the affected nervous tissue, and contribute to the restoration of neurons, nerve fibers, and neuroglial elements through a release of numerous cytokines and growth factors. 

Administration of stem cells can improve energy processes in neurons and neuroglia, as well as the exchange of biogenic amines and neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves.

Cell-based therapy in a combination treatment of autism may improve the child's social skills, in particular the development of speech, eye contact, increase attention, and promote the formation of imagination and participation in the game. 

Rehabilitation of patients after spinal cord injury with the use of stem cells contributes to the accelerated recovery of sensitivity, improved motor functions and self-care skills. 

A phase II clinical trial on the treatment of Alzheimer's disease with mesenchymal stem cells has been started in the USA. In addition, cell-based therapy has been proven to restore dopamine production in patients with Parkinson's disease. Mesenchymal stem cells are often used to manage multiple sclerosis. 

Patients considering cell-based therapy for a specific disease should understand that an innovative method is effective and safe only with proper preparation of biological material according to international standards, and involvement of qualified health professionals having relevant experience. 

The Center for Brain Stimulation offers consultations of highly skilled professionals, provides the full range of required diagnostic procedures and stem cell treatments choosing the best method for a given patient.

The use of stem cells in pediatrics

Tested by leading researchers, intravenous infusion of autologous umbilical cord blood has been shown to be completely safe for infants with autism spectrum disorders. Meanwhile, considerable improvements in behavior were observed in the first 6 months after the infusion and persisted for 12 months. Higher baseline non-verbal IQ was associated with clear improvements in younger patients.

Studies have also showed that mesenchymal stem cell transplantation has led to improved motor function in children with spastic cerebral palsy. In this setting, we studied the association between the dose and efficacy of transplanted cells in children with cerebral palsy.

Notably, the results obtained in numerous research medical centers prove extra positive effects from the use of stem cells in the treatment of neurological disorders, primarily in pediatric populations. 

What are the methods of cell-based therapy 

Stem cells have been used for treatment since the 1950s. This is the only means to recover from some blood disorders when bone marrow stem cell transplantation is indicated. Regenerative therapy using both autologous and allogeneic stem cells may significantly improve the patient's condition in almost a hundred serious diseases. 

Basic routes of stem cell administration:

The number of human stem cells decreases exponentially with age, which leads to a decrease in protective forces, slower wound healing and healing of fractures, and the occurrence of diseases. This determines the feasability and efficacy of anti-aging cell-based therapy. 

Administration of stem cells may restore affected tissues and organs and improve their functional activity due to the following mechanisms: 

What is the procedure for stem cell treatment 

The type, dosage and route of administration of stem cells depend on the diagnosis, condition and age. Stem cells are primarily administered intravenously or interstitially. Patients with umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord or placenta, stored in a biobank, may be treated with stem cells or, if immunologically compatible, with cells from close relatives. Patients who do not have a stock of stem cells may proceed to cell-based therapy with donor biomaterial. 

There are dedicated cryobanks (biobanks) which provide long-term storage of stem cells taken during childbirth (from cord blood, umbilical cord, placenta). This is a kind of biological insurance, since this biomaterial may be used for treatment, if a certain disease occurs. 

Along with family-type (private, autologous) biobanks, public (state) cord blood banks involving public funding operate in developed countries. 

Effects of cell-based therapy 

Stem cells delivered using specific adhesion molecules find affected organs and, through a release of specific biologically active substances (cytokines), contribute to their restoration due to: 

Therefore, the effects of cell-based therapy include:

  1. Improved patient's well-being and appearance.
  2. Improved functions of all internal organs.
  3. Accelerated rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries. 
  4. Increased physical and mental performance.
  5. Strengthened antiviral protection. 

High clinical efficacy and safety of stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy, autism, negative consequences of stroke, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis have been established. Cell-based therapy is an effective treatment for osteoporosis, as well as for complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. 

The Brain Stimulation Center: world-class treatment methods

Mental disorders and issues, neurological diseases, musculoskeletal system illnesses – these are conditions that require a comprehensive approach with an individualized treatment plan. At the "BSC," patients can rely on various treatment techniques. For instance, the method of cell therapy is used, where medications containing live human cells are introduced into the body. The benefits of this method include: 

Thanks to modern diagnostic equipment and unique treatment programs, you can achieve impressive results:

And all this is the result of global methods and technologies, which have been brought together in our center.

Therapy for the youngest

The center can be visited by parents whose children suffer from autism. For these little ones, our specialists have developed a unique annual rehabilitation program. It includes 10 techniques designed for 1,400 hours of work with one child over a period of 15 months. The program with proven effectiveness and backed by clinical research contains the best treatment methods and is carried out under the supervision of doctors, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. For example, proper balanced nutrition is provided along with daily measured physical activities and other methods. 

Advantages of staying at the "BSC"

In addition to a powerful diagnostic base, effective treatment, and leading specialists, the clinic ensures patient comfort by providing:

Patients can expect comfortable conditions during their rehabilitation course as well.

Along with cell-based therapy, we use methods that promote the restoration of the nervous system, GI tract, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and blood system, improve metabolism, and activate the body reserves.

The Center for Brain Stimulation provides a full therapeutic cycle from diagnosis to treatment and recovery. All procedures and manipulations are performed by highly skilled staff, using innovative equipment. The Center also has an up-to-date laboratory diagnostic system. We offer the optimal cost of stem cell therapy in Ukraine. 

Moreover, The Center for Brain Stimulation is the only Ukrainian institution providing effective stem cell treatment for pediatric population. We monitor the child development and are engaged in the adjustment of the treatment program directly using stem cells.

Our doctors 

Our Center provides stem cell treatment for autism and other nervous system disorders. We offer the consultations of qualified professionals, such as neurologists, pediatricians, surgeons and rehabilitation specialists with considerable experience and proven qualifications. Contact us to make an appointment and our professionals will answer all your questions and provide the required examinations.

Licenses and Certificates

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі в медичній сфері"

Certificate "Industry leader in the medical field"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the all-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


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