
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

+38 (093) 170-16-59

Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00

Bobath Therapy

Bobath Therapy is a rehabilitation technique, the aim of which is the stimulation of proper movements by acting on certain points of the body. This therapy works not only with motor activity, but also with hand-eye coordination.

Бобат-терапия в Киеве

Bobath Therapy 

Bobath concept is one of the most frequently used in restorative therapy for patients with neurological diseases. Bobath therapy at CBS has shown its effectiveness in treating children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and other CNS disorders. Bobath therapy is a program of help for a child with limited motor activity that promotes the development of controlled movements and activity throughout the day.

The Bobath technique is based on the unity of mental and physical processes. It is a holistic therapy aimed at suppression of pathological movement patterns and postures and stimulation of correct movements. The treatment focuses on restoring the normal functioning of the entire body. The Bobath therapist seeks to expand the set of normal movements, to make it more qualitative and varied.

It is possible to implement the Bobath method when the patient is in a certain position, in which there is an impact on certain points of the body. This stimulates the work of specific muscle groups involved in the motor act. The complex of stimuli used allows for the activation of reflexes as they should be manifested in normal, natural motor activity.

Aims of Bobath Therapy

Indications for Bobath Therapy

As a rule, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome are diagnosed in toddlers, so Bobath therapy is an effective method of rehabilitation for them. Autism Spectrum Disorders are not always immediately recognizable.

ASD Symptoms in Children

Children with ASD have a variety of developmental and behavioral disorders. This is manifested by the presence of the following symptoms in which the child:

The Bobath Center at our clinic provides guidance to parents in teaching their children to crawl, sit, turn, walk, and get on all fours. Rehabilitation programs are tailored individually, taking into account the child's physiological characteristics and comorbidities.

Bobath Therapy for Children

Bobath Therapy is aimed at rehabilitation the children with conditions such as:

Bobath Therapy: Contraindications

The range of effects of Bobath Therapy is quite wide, but there are also certain contraindications to its use:

If the child has dislocations or subluxations of the joints, an additional opinion from an orthopedic surgeon is required.

Diagnostics Before Bobath Therapy

To achieve results Bobath Therapy for children takes into account the individual emotional, motor and psycho-speech characteristics of the child, his or her abilities, on which the therapy elements are based, gradually developing them with constant stimulation and correction.

In our center Bobath therapy sessions for children are conducted after consultation with a neurologist, neurosonography (if necessary) and EEG. The patient is evaluated taking into account the nature of the lesions and peculiarities of the disease, individual manifestations of motor activity and opportunities to maximize the effectiveness of movements.

Bobath Therapy Principles and Technique 

To get the most effective results from Bobath Therapy, treatment of children with neurological disorders is best started at the age of 3-6 months. The rehabilitation program for cerebral palsy and Down syndrome is multi-step and includes parent training and Bobath Therapy classes for children.

Bobath Therapy is Based on Three Basic Principles:

Bobath Therapy sessions for children take place in the form of games, which helps the doctor to build a friendly and trusting relationship with young patients, and the children feel more relaxed and comfortable. Neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation treatments are not just for children.

Bobath Therapy does not cause emotional or physical discomfort; it is absolutely painless. All movements are done at a measured, suitable pace for the child. New loads are introduced gradually. During treatment, special attention is paid to normalizing muscle tone and facilitating voluntary motor activity with special manipulations.

Bobath Therapy exercises can be performed using the wall bars, metal hoops, balance board, circular skateboard, and other orthopedic devices. Such exercises help to stimulate movement even in patients with severe neurological disorders. To develop fine motor skills, doctors use wooden puzzles and pictures, beads, pyramids, cars, river pebbles, wooden frame-inserts, etc.

The course of Bobath Therapy is not standard or repetitive, as it is constantly adjusted to the changing needs of the patient.

Bobath Therapy Effects

Advantages of Bobath Therapy at CBS

  1. The use of Bobath Therapy at the Center for Neurodevelopmental Medicine involves high-level specialists who have extensive experience and regularly undergo training abroad to improve their qualifications.
  2. Bobath Neurodevelopmental Therapy is a completely safe rehabilitation program that is suitable even for infants.
  3. The center is fully equipped to counsel and treat children with cerebral palsy, autism, and Down syndrome.
  4. The therapists choose a set of exercises for Bobath Therapy separately for each child, according to the diagnosis and the necessary adjustments.
  5. The cost of Bobath Therapy is fully consistent with the quality of services provided.

If the child follows all the recommendations, attends lessons and does "homework", the Bobath method gives high results, meaning that the children have a chance to catch up with their peers in development, are socialized and have all the necessary skills for their age (provided that their intelligence is intact).


Early rehabilitation is the key to quick recovery from neurological disorders. You can take a course of Bobath Therapy under the guidance of a qualified team of professionals in Kyiv, Podol, today! We guarantee an individual approach to each patient. You can make an appointment for a consultation at our Center, find out the cost of Bobath Therapy or get answers to additional questions by phone listed on the website.

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі у медичній сфері"

Certificate "Leader in the Medical Industry"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


Іришка 28.01.2021



Довго шукали, де можна пройти реабілітацію в Києві. Зупинилися на ЦСМ і анітрохи не пошкодували. Залишилися дуже задоволені і заняттями, і ставленням персоналу. Однозначно рекомендую!

Ирина Б 03.01.2021



У моего ребенка синдром Дауна. Для кого-то это диагноз, а для меня просто особое состояние, при котором ребенок требует постоянного внимания и регулярных занятий. В ноябре проходили курс реабилитации в центре. По совету Ольги Ивановны Селезневой решили попробовать Бобат-терапию. Результаты очень порадовали. Улучшилось общее состояние, моторика, малыш стал намного спокойнее. Спасибо за ваш ежедневный труд и поддержку!

Ольга Ш 15.12.2020



Добрий день! У центрі я проходила реабілітацію після інсульту. "Біда" зі мною трапилася 1,5 роки тому, але до цих пір не можу відновитися остаточно. Курси реабілітації проходила неодноразово в інших клініках - безліч різних процедур, після якихось ставало ненабагато краще. Тут мені стало легше вже після третього сеансу бобат терапії, через два тижні пройшли болі в голові і ногах, стала впевненіше хода. Медперсонал воістину творить чудеса! Удачі вам і процвітання!

Миколаєва С М 21.10.2020



Відгуки пишу рідко, але тут не могла втриматися. Дитина у мене особлива, вимагає постійної уваги, сам не ходив, тільки з підтримкою. невролог Ольга Іванівна спостерігає нас з народження, саме вона порадила записатися на консультацію до Мандзюк В.В. За що ми їй безмежно вдячні! Після курсу бобат терапії ми нарешті пішли самі! Паралельно робили масаж і займалися на фітболі. Зупинятися не будемо, з'явилася надія, що не все так безнадійно!

Полина Игоревна 04.08.2020



Искреннее спасибо всему персоналу ЦСМ! В центр попали по совету знакомых. Когда мы обратились за помощью, сыну было 3 года, и мы могли только сидеть и не уверенно ползать. Благодаря вашей кропотливой работе наш малыш за полгода работы начал ходить! Пусть и коряво, но зато сам! Виктория Владимировна, вы лучшая в своем деле! Огромное Вам спасибо!

Юрьева Т 14.07.2020



Хочу выразить слова глубочайшей благодарности Центру и лично врачу-неврологу Ольге Геннадьевне Козубенко. Ребенок у нас долгожданный и, как говорится, “выстраданный”. Поэтому, когда нам сообщили, что у малыша ДЦП, это прозвучало, как удар грома среди ясного неба. Ольга Геннадиевна наблюдала нашего малыша с самого рождения. Мы сдали кучу анализов и прошли многочисленные процедуры. Когда Славе исполнилось полгода, нам рекомендовали пройти курс бобат терапии. Начинать было сложно, и слезы и сопротивление малыша. Но результат налицо - ребенок смог самостоятельно сесть. Эффект однозначно положительный! На этом останавливаться не собираемся, будем заниматься столько, сколько нужно. Спасибо всем сотрудникам за прекрасное отношение и чуткость!

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