Leiter-3 is a test of non-verbal intelligence and cognitive abilities. Assesses the mental abilities of children and adults with and without developed speech.

Addresses of the Clinics
+38 (073) 073-03-85 +38 (096) 665-57-97 +38 (099) 353-91-84
Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00
Leiter-3 is a test of non-verbal intelligence and cognitive abilities. Assesses the mental abilities of children and adults with and without developed speech.
Often parents of children who do not speak or have only a few words in their vocabulary are faced with a diagnosis of intellectual disability. Such a diagnosis can have a negative impact on a child's life and make life much more difficult for him/her. This happens because they try to assess a child's level of intellectual development using methods that require verbal communication.
LEITER-3 targeted at objectively assessment of nonverbal intelligence and cognitive abilities. The nonverbal format of the test makes it possible to use it to work with children with following disorders:
The method is safe for use by people with special needs.
LEITER-3 method suppose a wide range of questions of different difficulty levels which offer an opportunity to diagnose a child not only with a developmental delay, but also with a giftedness, to assess a person's intellectual abilities and potential rather than his/her knowledge. This is possible because it measures fluid intelligence (potential) rather than crystallized intelligence (accumulated knowledge), which corresponds to modern views on IQ assessment.
The method includes growth profiles which can be used to assess the dynamics of the examinee's development, predict progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of individual programs.
Only an objective assessment of the mental abilities of a child with ASD will make it possible to prepare a correction program, and therefore obtain results. The test evaluates:
The method is suitable for “typical” children over 3 years old, adolescents, and adults up to 75 years old.
Advantages of the method:
LEITER – 3 is approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and included in the Clinical Protocol.
The child stays in the room with the specialist; a parent can be present but must not interfere with what is going on. The interior of the room does not distract the child; all of his / her attention should be focused on the tasks. The test consists of several subtests, which are selected according to age:
Testing time: 45 minutes for the evaluation of non-verbal abilities and 30 minutes for the memory (attention) block. A complete diagnosis will require 2-3 visits to a specialist, after which the specialist issues a conclusion, and psychological recommendations.
Qualified professionals of our Clinic will help you to choose the right method to diagnose your child's mental abilities. LEITER-3 is conducted by psychologists trained to work with this technique that is a guarantee of valid results.
It's important to keep the results, so you'll be able to assess the dynamics and draw conclusions about whether or not the rehabilitation program is correct.
Call us even today, we will help you to see your child's strengths and weaknesses and identify priorities for his/her growth and development.
Юлия Матиенко 19.09.2021
Методика LEITER-3
Походили тест Leiter-3 в Центре стимуляции мозга, чтобы узнать уровень интеллекта ребенка. Сыну четыре года, имеется задержка в развитии, тестирование проводится несколько раз по сорок минут. Очень рада, что с моим малышом все в порядке, интеллект в норме. Эйнштейна в детстве считали отсталым, а он стал талантливым физиком. У нас все впереди, спасибо за новую диагностику развития.
Марина 27.08.2021
Методика LEITER-3
Хочу порекомендувати тестування Leiter-3 всім, хто хоче дізнатися розумові здібності своїх дітей. Методика підійде для глухих і хто не розуміє мову, іноземцям. Різні рівні складності питань для кожного віку свої. Проводиться тест в кілька етапів по 30-45 хвилин. Потім видається висновок.
Ольга 02.06.2021
Методика LEITER-3
Моїй дитині з аутизмом проводили тест Leiter-3 в "Центрі Стимуляції Мозку". Тест допоміг зрозуміти рівень розвитку дитини і скласти план занять з моїм Олексою. Не уявляю, як без такого тестування зрозуміти, що відбувається з дитиною. Раджу всім у кого аутичні діти пройти його.