Spastic hemiparesis is a syndrome in which increased muscle tone in the arm and leg on one side leads to restricted active movements with reduced strength of the affected limbs.

Addresses of the Clinics
+38 (073) 073-03-85 +38 (096) 665-57-97 +38 (099) 353-91-84
Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00
Spastic hemiparesis is a syndrome in which increased muscle tone in the arm and leg on one side leads to restricted active movements with reduced strength of the affected limbs.
Hemiparesis is a persistent motor disorder that lends itself well to comprehensive rehabilitation. The earlier rehabilitation is started, the greater the rehabilitative potential. Modern techniques and clinical experience enable specialists at CBS to successfully rehabilitate a child with hemiparesis. The doctors at the Centre for Brain Stimulation will draw up an individual rehabilitation program that will maximize neuroplasticity and neuroregeneration.
There is the world-renowned assessment of GMFCS of large motor functions considering the age and abilities of the kid, both of which are publicly available.
Hemiparesis in children appears as an upper or lower limb disorder. In this case, the impairment extends to one leg or arm. A distinction is also made between spastic hemiparesis, in which only the limbs of half the body are involved.
Hemiparesis can be caused in children by abnormal brain structures, congenital abnormalities of the brain, head and spinal trauma, and a history of traumatic brain injury. If the disease develops when there is damage to the cortical motoneurons of one of the hemispheres and the pathways that conduct the signals. The motor and sensory functions of the affected area of the body begin to fade.
Successful treatment of hemiparesis depends on determining the cause of the condition:
Often the child ignores the affected part of the body.
The most common manifestations of hemiparesis in a child include:
The gait in hemiparesis is often squinting and is called hemiparetic when the leg describes a semi-circle.
Inadequate rehabilitation of children with hemiparesis impairs their quality of life: more severe spasticity leads to severe restrictions of movement in the arm and leg. Contractures in the ankle joints prevent the foot from stepping on the toe, recurvation forms in the knee joints, adduction contractures in the hip joints and contractures in the carpometacarpal joint that block the correct grip on objects with the hand.
When diagnosing hemiparesis, it is not only necessary to determine disease and comorbidities, but also to differentiate it from other diseases. The highly qualified doctors at the Centre for Brain Stimulation will draw up an individual examination plan to clarify the diagnosis. In addition to interviewing the child's representatives, diagnostic measures include:
Also consultations of the following specialists:
After a thorough examination, a neurologist will provide recommendations for parents and an approach to the child's rehabilitation.
The effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors. All of them are taken into account and summed up by the specialists at the Rehabilitation Centre to prescribe comprehensive rehabilitation. Physical rehabilitation is very important: massage, physical therapy, joint training, and swimming.
Physiotherapy: Low-frequency magnetic therapy, shockwave therapy, laser acupuncture, electrotherapy.
RT (reflexotherapy) is a method that stimulates reflexogenic zones, thus activating the body's internal reserves, activating areas of memory, movement, speech, improving the system of perceiving and processing signals, and forming conscious, responsible actions. A distinction is made between acupuncture and laser acupuncture.
The treatment of hemiparesis using tDCS is non-invasive, without discomfort and with a wide range of effects.
Rehabilitation should also focus on the prevention and management of complications. Hardware-based alternative therapies are highly effective in rehabilitation. The Centre for Brain Stimulation provides effective treatments such as:
In addition, you shouldn't miss out on the social pedagogical service:
Hemiparesis prevention measures in kids are based on early detection and diagnosing.
The diagnosis and treatment of hemiparesis are carried out by a neurologist. The best way for you to get help is to go to the Brain Stimulation Centre, where patients are treated by qualified and experienced doctors.
We work for results, using non-pharmacological methods of treatment. The specialists of CBS Clinic cope with diseases, not just symptoms improvement. Children are special patients, so psychological and emotional comfort is of great importance. Treatment in this format reduces the time and expense of all the family's resources.
Ирина Ворошилова 19.06.2021
Лечение гемипареза
Мой сынок только учится ходить и первые движения у него неуверенные, нечеткие. Но меня смутило, то что одной ножкой получается немного хуже. Это был сигнал к обследованию Записалась с сынулей на консультацию к неврологу Стеценко Татьяне Ивановне. После подробного изучения анамнеза, поведения ребенка, тестов и пр.Доктор направила нас на курс микрополяризации. Ребенок после нескольких процедур мне кажется начал ходить более уверенно, стал опираться на ножку и не боится на нее наступать. Рада, что обратилась в клинику.
Люда 21.05.2021
Лікування геміпарезу
У нашої дівчинки вроженний геміпарез, внутрішньоутробна патологія. Тому ми були напоготові. І помітили убогість словникового запасу в чотири роки. В "Центрі Стимуляції Мозку", записалися до логопеда- дефектолога, потім до невролога і вони разом призначили реабілітаційні заходи. Сподобалося, що в клініці використовують світову практику в лікуванні геміпарезу, всі сучасні технології тут є. Впевнена нам тут допоможуть.
Галина Петрівна 14.04.2021
Лікування геміпарезу
Мій хлопчик лівша, їсть лівою рукою. Одного разу я звернула увагу, що він гірше став нею користуватися, а потім і зовсім почав брати ложку правою. Думала забився або пробує нову навичку, через пару днів пройде. Але не пройшло само нічого! Тільки після консультації з неврологом в Центрі стимуляції мозку, поставили діагноз - Геміпарез. Після першого сеансу мікрополярізаціі, робота ручки значно покращилася, залишилося ще кілька процедур і все відновиться. Не зволікайте, коли побачите зміни в поведінці дитини. Звертайтеся до лікарів!