
Addresses of the Clinics

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

+38 (093) 170-16-59

Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00

Kinesio Taping

This is a safe and non-invasive treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of muscles, tendons and joints by applying special fixation bandages – tapes. Tape therapy speeds up rehabilitation and increases the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy.


Kinesio Taping

Do you want to know what kinesio taping is? Or have you already heard about the effectiveness of this procedure and want to get rid of the symptoms of joint, muscle or tendon diseases by undergoing kinesio taping by qualified specialists? At the Center for Brain Stimulation, you can get a consultation and receive the full complex of services: from diagnostics to treatment and rehabilitation.

Kinesiology taping is a modern method of treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of muscles, sinews and joints. The principle is to apply special fixation bandages - tapes (elastic bands with an adhesive base). The procedure requires an understanding of the area where the bandage is to be applied and the tension and fixation force it should create, so it should only be done by a competent specialist. For truly professional and safe taping you should contact the Centre for Brain Stimulation.

For What and When Kinesio Taping is Used?

Kinesio taping is performed with special elastic bandages. Kinesio tapes are tapes made of cotton or synthetic fabric. One side is coated with a special adhesive that is activated by the heat of the skin. The width and length of the tapes vary from 5-10 cm to several tens of centimetres. Their size is determined by clinical indications: the diagnosis, the size of the area of the body where the tapes are to be placed, etc. The adhesive backing of the kinesiotape is hypoallergenic. It contains acrylic, which creates a secure fixation.

The kinesio taping procedure is applied to improve the effectiveness of treatment of musculoskeletal system pathologies and rehabilitation after injuries (sports, domestic, industrial). Earlier this method was used only in sports medicine, but with time taping has been widely used by physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, neurologists, orthopaedists and traumatologists.

The use of tapes has the effect of improving blood and lymphatic circulation, stabilising blood microcirculation and relieving muscle hypertonicity. The method helps to improve the mobility of the joints and the spine. The taping treatment is effective for pain, overstrain and inflammation of muscles. It accelerates rehabilitation and increases the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy. Due to its safety and non-invasiveness, taping is often used for the treatment of pain, strain and inflammation:

The use of kinesio taping is indicated for disorders and illnesses such as:

In addition to its therapeutic effect, kinesio taping can also be used for cosmetic purposes to correct the skin and neck as well as for body modelling. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the method of kinesio taping is also selected.

Kinesio Taping Techniques and Types of Tapes

Kinesiology tapes can be applied to the following areas:

There are several types of taping depending on the expected results:

The tensile strength created by the tapes is determined by the diagnosis:

Types of kinesio tapes:

The color of the ribbons is not therapeutic. The choice of color depends on the patient's preference and can have a slight color therapy effect that improves the psycho-emotional state and accelerates recovery.


The procedure is not carried out if contraindications to kinesio taping have been identified, such as:

The Centre for Brain Stimulation uses only original and high-quality tapes from global manufacturers, which significantly reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the adhesive backing of the tapes.


Before the procedure is prescribed, a neurologist should be consulted to determine the indication for kinesio taping and to rule out any possible obstacles to its performance. If necessary, a consultation with a general practitioner, cardiologist or other specialist is recommended.

After an examination, the doctor decides on the necessity and feasibility of taping and familiarises the patient with the rules of preparation. Before taping, the patient must have a shower or bath and shave the hair in the area where the tapes are to be applied. The skin must be undamaged and dry during the procedure.

Kinesio Taping Procedure

Kinesio taping is carried out in a cabinet equipped with comfortable medical furniture. The air temperature must be comfortable and not cause undesirable reactions during the fixation of the tapes, as the adhesive base is activated by body heat.

After applying the tapes, refrain from active movements for half an hour. During this time, the tape will adhere well to the skin and will not come off or move. Tape should not be removed for 5-7 days. Bathing or showering is allowed, but the water should not be hot. A special spray is used to remove the tape painlessly.

Kinesio Taping Results

Depending on the goals set and the way the tapes are applied, the effects of kinesio taping include:

The effectiveness of taping depends on the specialist's qualifications and compliance with the doctor's recommendations. At CBS the procedure is performed by experienced kinesiotherapists whose work reviews can be found on the Centre’s website.

Our Advantages

  1. Comfortable conditions.
  2. Individual approach.
  3. Highly qualified and experienced kinesiotherapist.
  4. Application of high-quality tapes with proven effectiveness.
  5. Service in a full-service clinic, where every problem is solved in an integrated manner: from diagnostics to treatment and rehabilitation.
  6. Affordable cost of kinesio taping.


If you need to undergo kinesiological taping, contact the Centre for Brain Stimulation, which employs experienced kinesiotherapists as well as other subspecialists (neurologist, orthopaedic traumatologist, etc). The treatment here includes all physical therapy procedures as well as therapeutic treatments when indicated. Make an appointment by telephone or fill in the appointment form on the website.

Licenses and Certificates

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі в медичній сфері"

Certificate "Industry leader in the medical field"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian prize "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


Надежда 15.11.2021



Очень благодарна Паламарчуку Сергею Андреевичу. Он спас меня от болей и теперь я снова в строю! Я работаю в офисе у компьютера и уже несколько лет страдаю от болей, которые вызываются тоннельным синдромом. Что это такое знают все, кто столкнулся с этим пренеприятным заболеванием. Невозможно поднять руку без гримасы боли, тяжело опираться на ладонь при попытке встать с кровати... И таких ситуаций масса в повседневной жизни((( Я обратилась в клинику ЦСМ на проспекте Василия Порика дом 13Б по совету подруги, которая там лечит ребенка. Невролог назначил мне препараты и множество процедур. Среди них была и процедура кинезиотейпирования. Раньше мне не приходилось ее делать и зря! После волшебных и золотых рук Сергея Андреевича я ожила. Ленты комфортно носить, снимаются тоже без проблем. Эффект на 100 %! Теперь моя рука выполняет любые движения, я не морщусь от боли и мне не нужно пить обезболивающие так часто. Планирую пройти курс кинезиотейпирования и по поводу остеохондроза. Это еще один приговор офисных работников. Клинику рекомендую всем! Тут чисто и комфортно. Очень вежливый и профессиональный персонал. Спасибо!

Вероника Ивановна 13.09.2021



Что такое радикулит знают многие. Боли в спине не давали мне спокойно работать и жить. Обратилась в клинику ЦСМ по совету родственницы мужа. Невролог назначил мне кинезиотейпирование. Эту процедуру проводит Паламарчук Сергей Андреевич и она действительно помогает. Боли значительно уменьшились. Ленты, которые наклеивают, не вызывают дискомфорта и не отклеиваются во время купания. Сергея Андреевича и клинику буду рекомендовать всем знакомым и родственникам! Спасибо вам!

Владимир 26.08.2021



Я очень благодарен Паламарчуку Сергею Андреевичу за помощь. Я водитель и у меня часто болит спина. Обратился к невропатологу в клинику ЦСМ и мне назначили анализы, а затем прием лекарств и физиопроцедуры. Среди них была и новая для меня процедура - наложение кинезиотейпов. Это такие ленты, которые похожи на лейкопластырь. Они наклеиваются на больное место и устраняют боль, расслабляют мышцы. Сергей Андреевич, спасибо вам! Я благодаря вам смог очень быстро вернуться к работе!

Николай Петрович 05.08.2021



Я спортсмен и травмы ног оставили много последствий. Мне порекомендовали Центр Стимуляции Мозга на пр-те Василия Порика 13-Б. Там для устранения болей и спазмов мне назначили кинезиотейпирование. Процедуру проводил Паламарчук Сергей Андреевич. Она действительно помогает. Пусть не на 100 %, но боли уже не такие сильные. Неплохая клиника, хорошие врачи. Спасибо.

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