Methods of Strengthening Exercise
The main goal of the Specialist of SE is to create a gymnastic therapeutic complex. Such a program is tailored to each individual patient. The therapeutic exercise instructor recommends personal or group exercise classes. A specialist also gives appointments for home physical therapy exercises. The form of exercise recommended to the patient will depend on the severity of the disease.
Children's physical therapy uses effective modern methods: walking; therapeutic and hygienic gymnastics; exercises with balls and simulators; psychogymnastics; breathing techniques; exercises for the development of fine motor skills. An instructor of physical therapy develops personal programs of sessions for all patients on the basis of complete, complex examination. This requires cooperation (preferably as close as possible) between the physiotherapist and physicians who are professionals in other fields of medicine.
The specialist takes into account: the degree of previous physical training of the patient; the characteristics and nuances of the age group to which the patient belongs; the specificity of motor and mental development.
For therapeutic physical education we use special sports equipment: balls, elastic bands, Swedish wall, horizontal bars, gymnastic sticks, weights, dumbbells, ladders, sandbags, soft cubes, Ievminov board, gymnastic hoops.
Peculiarities of Child Strengthening Exercise
This type of therapy can correct deformities, affecting the process of forming the posture, the muscular corset, as well as, in principle, the skeleton. The benefits of LFC for children manifest themselves in the influence of this procedure on the immune system and the personal evolution of the body, becoming the basis for the most adequate human maturation.
When prescribing a course of physical therapy, physicians aim to keep the child interested by making the sessions extremely positive. It is important for specialists to guide children's physical activity in the right direction. A distinctive feature of therapeutic exercise is the use of a large number of imitative movements and play type exercises. During the course of the LFC complex, physicians constantly monitor patients, monitor the adequacy of physical activity, and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.
Strengthening Exercises: exercises and their effects
- Increasing the body's resistance to stress.
- Prevention of possible complications, stunting and developmental delays.
- Improvement of immunity.
- Normalization of balance, endurance.
- Stimulation of blood and lymph circulation in the body.
- Strengthening the muscle corset.
- Stimulation of psycho-emotional state.
- The development of self-discipline.
- The improvement of the metabolism.
- Normalization of walking speed.
- Maintaining the balance of the movement.
- Acceleration of recovery.
- Consolidation of the results achieved during therapy.
- Prevention of cardiorespiratory illnesses and pain syndromes.
- Formation of skills of correct posture.
Advantages of the Method
- SE Specialists and Rehabilitation Therapists have considerable experience in working with severe cases.
- There is an individual program for each case.
- Work on the result.
- All instructors have specialized education and extensive experience. Our specialists know firsthand what SE is.
- Effective author's methods are developed.
- Accounted for a thought-out complex age and health of each child (personal approach).
- Partnership between a specialist and a child.
- For SE the price is quite affordable, in addition to therapeutic exercises, the procedure includes breathing yoga, massages and mobile types of games.
Strengthening Exercise at the Brain Stimulation Center: Advantages
- All SE Specialists at our Center have been specially trained and have great experience. All of them were trained in European rehabilitation clinics and have their own methods of massage and rehabilitation.
- The technology is based on a dosed load and a well-designed set of exercises, which are chosen so as to affect joints, muscles and ligaments at the same time.
- The clinic offers personal lessons.
- Our physiotherapists train children in a calm and as friendly way as possible, turning movement therapy exercises into games.
- Individual approach according to health status, age and physical potential (adult, child).
- LFC for children with cerebral palsy is aimed at improving coordination, muscle tone and the development of motor functions.
- Doctors at the clinic for children have created a comprehensive development for the treatment and improvement of their health. In the practical use of the program has shown impressive results in relation to a number of orthopedic diseases and neurological disorders. Also this complex is used for prevention and improvement of immunity, which is so important for the growing children's body.
- Western standards of treatment.
- We provide complete anonymity.
- Procedures are performed taking into account pain threshold of each patient.
Strengthening Exercise for children in Kyiv: who does treat?
Doctors hold sessions with all age groups, even with patients of the youngest age. They offer a SE course of various exercises that take into account the degree of comprehensive development of the child, his emotional state, the level of progress of fine motor skills. Each of the sessions is conducted in an entertaining and playful way. Do you have any questions about strengthening exercise for children? Ask our specialists for advice using the contact form or the phone numbers listed on the website!