The chamber improves the cardiovascular system by changing the gas composition of the blood. It is a hermetically sealed oxygen capsule with pressure inside that is higher than atmospheric.

Addresses of the Clinics
+38 (073) 073-03-85 +38 (096) 665-57-97 +38 (099) 353-91-84
Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00
The chamber improves the cardiovascular system by changing the gas composition of the blood. It is a hermetically sealed oxygen capsule with pressure inside that is higher than atmospheric.
The Chamber is medical equipment for hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO), i.e. oxygenation of the patient's body. The hyperbaric chamber is a hermetically sealed oxygen capsule with pressure inside that is higher than atmospheric pressure. In our center, treatment in the Chamber accelerates regeneration processes, increases immunity, creates all conditions for fast recovery of the body and effective treatment.
Oxygen therapy can significantly reduce the risk of dangerous diseases, has a restorative and tonic effect on the body, helps reduce chronic fatigue syndrome, increase muscle tone.
Hyperbaric oxygenation is indicated in:
Oxygen procedures improve psycho-emotional state, increase working capacity, stimulate the body's defenses, accelerate the recovery period after injuries and physical exertions. The hyperbaric chamber is prescribed in case the organism is prone to high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease.
Indications for treatment in a Chamber are:
Oxygen procedures are also indicated for poisoning by combustion products, gases and cyanides, and cardiac drugs.
The hyperbaric chamber helps to cope with pathological conditions in newborns and infants. It is prescribed from the first days of life in the following cases:
Also, the hyperbaric chamber is widely used in combination with basic therapy for older children with the following diseases:
Oxygenation of the blood of pregnant women helps to prevent natural termination of pregnancy and promotes normal development of tissues and organs of the fetus. Oxygenobarotherapy is prescribed by an obstetrician after a complete examination and not before the 12th week of pregnancy. Pregnant women can visit the hyperbaric chamber only if there are no contraindications and if you consult your general practitioner.
Indications (diseases) for oxygenation in pregnant women:
However, not everyone has any idea what is it a chamber in medicine. Although it is an effective method of treatment and recovery of many disorders and pathological processes when prescribing barotherapy, the doctor must take into account possible existing contraindications:
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also contraindicated in persons with individual hypersensitivity to oxygen.
Barotherapy is prescribed by a specialized doctor only after examining the patient, analyzing his condition, and the results of diagnostics. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist, neurorehabilitation therapist, physiotherapist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, urologist, and other narrow specialists is appointed. Consultation is necessary to get an individual program of treatment in a recompression chamber.
Preparation for barotherapy:
The treatment in a pressure chamber takes on average 45-60 minutes (but no more). The oxygen chamber helps saturate the patient's cells with oxygen, allows relaxation.
Usually, 10-25 HBO sessions are prescribed. During and after the first sessions, the doctor assesses the patient's condition and adjusts their duration and number.
Oxygen treatment in the hyperbaric chamber at the Center for Brain Stimulation is carried out with modern equipment.
The oxygen chamber helps in the treatment of many diseases and has an effective effect on the recovery processes of the body:
Specialists recommend that people living in large metropolitan areas undergo oxygen therapy once a year. For prevention, 10-15 sessions are enough.
Barochamber as a tool of prevention and rehabilitation:
A tangible effect on a wide list of different diseases and conditions is noted by all patients who have undergone barotherapy. The feedback on the procedure is extremely positive.
Especially useful for pregnant women: treatment in the chamber reduces toxicosis, improves general health and the normal development of the fetus, is a good way to prevent premature delivery.
Our Center provides the service of treatment with an oxygen chamber. We use an individual approach for each patient. You can find out the specifics of treatment in the hyperbaric chamber and the price of the service from our call-center operators.
Светлана Светличная 05.01.2023
Treatment at the Chamber
Проходила баракамеры неоднократно . Процедура прмогат востановить многие жизненные прцессы организма .Очень довольна .
Короткова Анастасия 02.10.2020
Лечение в барокамере
Бесконечная благодарность заведующему отделения нейрореабилитации и физиотерапии Ворошилову Евгению Александровичу. В клинику "Центр стимуляции мозга" обратились по причине родовой травмы у ребенка с диагнозом с диагнозом "последствия черепно-мозговой травмы" После тщательного обследования нам, было назначены процедуры лечения и реабилитации. Он не просто нам помог, а сотворил чудо. Вернул веру к врачам. Любимой процедурой нашего сына была барокамера. Наш добрый доктор спасибо вам огромное. Мы обязательно придем на повторный курс.
Валерия 13.09.2020
Лечение в барокамере
Хочу сказать выразить огромную благодарность всему персоналу "Центра Стимуляции Мозга". На 28 неделе беременности плод проявлял чрезмерную активность, после очередной сдачи анализов у меня выявили нарушение маточно-плацентарного кровообращения в первой стадии. Я обратилась в клинику. Доктор Козубенко Ольга Геннадиевна оказала огромную поддержку, успокоила панику, дала нужные советы, помогла морально и физически подготовится к сеансам барокамеры. После окончания курса баротерапии показатели кровотока возобновились и моему малышу ничего не угрожает. Ольга Геннадьевна - врач от бога и просто замечательный человек. Спасибо вам огромное за лечение и поддержку. Дай Вам бог здоровья и всего самого хорошего. Также хочу отметить доступные цены на все процедуры. Клиника находится: г. Киев, пр-т Василия Порика 13-Б.