Speech Therapy Classes Types
At CBS qualified specialists help children to develop their articulation system, phonemic hearing, speech breathing, and facial expressions. To this end, a child is prescribed:
- speech therapy classes;
- classes with ForBrain headphones;
- logorhythmics (individually and in a group);
- a complex with speech therapy massage;
- speech therapy games.
All treatments and speech therapy sessions are based on the psychophysical development of the children and their individual characteristics.
How Speech Therapy Classes Are Run
Speech therapy sessions for children take place in a comfortable environment that does not resemble a hospital. During the half-hour sessions (complex - 50 min.), the child can sit, lie down or play on a special mat or at an individual desk. Gently, but persistently, the speech therapist leads the patient to the desired result. The qualifications of the specialists at the Centre help even with difficult cases of speech disorders (lessons for speech start, lessons with a speech therapist after a stroke).
The number of sessions depends on the child's progress, the type of speech impairment and the quality of homework with parents.