
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

Monday-Sunday 08:30 - 20:00

Speech Therapy Classes

A child with a speech deficit often has a complicated socialization process. Specialists who use tried-and-tested speech therapy exercises and have the personal qualities to make young patients feel at home in the classroom can help to solve speech problems.

Speech Therapy Classes

The Centre for Brain Stimulation offers effective speech therapy. Our highly qualified specialists will help correct your child's speech and make it easier for him or her to socialize. Proven techniques (speech therapy exercises, speech rhythmics, etc.), the personal qualities of the best speech therapists in the city and professional speech therapy classes make it possible to solve successfully many speech problems of young patients.

It is difficult for a child with a speech impediment to communicate, study, and participate in society. That is why he/she needs an experienced speech therapist capable diagnose the cause of speech anomalies and drawing up an effective plan for the practical correction of speech disorders.

Who and For What Does Need Classes With the Speech Therapist?

As a rule, the general developmental disorder is associated with speech defects in children. Pronunciation problems make communication difficult and impede the development of intellectual abilities. Your child needs help with his/her studies.

Sometimes speech therapy is also needed for adult patients. Speech problems (after injury or serious illness) cause other difficulties and affect the higher nervous activity inhibiting gnosis (recognising an object by its characteristics) and praxis (developing conscious motor skills) more difficult.

When is it Time to See a Speech Therapist?

Speech therapy is recommended for children with different speech impairments. Parents should be concerned if a child:

There may be disorders of vocalization and pronunciation, excessive salivation and other disturbing but no obvious symptoms to parents. Some speech pathology problems can only be identified by a trained professional. Sometimes a consultation with a paediatric neurologist may be necessary.


Speech therapy does not only help to correct a lisp or a spelling problem. A qualified speech therapist helps your child to develop memory, attention and thinking. A qualified speech therapist can also identify and correct speech impediments for such diseases and conditions:

Specialists of CBS will facilitate the process of communication in cases of hypersalivation and facial muscle paresis. They will also provide correction of dysarthria in children with cerebral palsy, individual sessions with a non-speaking child and speech therapy for autistic children.


There are no contraindications to the procedure. However, due to the behavioural characteristics of some children, they are recommended special procedures for behavioural correction at the same time: sensory integration, hardware methods, and sessions with a psychologist.


No special preparation or tests are necessary to attend a speech therapy class. However, prior consultation with a speech therapist and, if necessary, a neurologist is needed. The child should be examined, data on the child's development and abilities should be examined and the general state of health should be taken into account. This will help to identify:

In addition, the doctor must determine the appropriateness of ForBrain and speech therapy massage.

Speech Therapy Classes Types

At CBS qualified specialists help children to develop their articulation system, phonemic hearing, speech breathing, and facial expressions. To this end, a child is prescribed:

All treatments and speech therapy sessions are based on the psychophysical development of the children and their individual characteristics.

How Speech Therapy Classes Are Run

Speech therapy sessions for children take place in a comfortable environment that does not resemble a hospital. During the half-hour sessions (complex - 50 min.), the child can sit, lie down or play on a special mat or at an individual desk. Gently, but persistently, the speech therapist leads the patient to the desired result. The qualifications of the specialists at the Centre help even with difficult cases of speech disorders (lessons for speech start, lessons with a speech therapist after a stroke).

The number of sessions depends on the child's progress, the type of speech impairment and the quality of homework with parents.

Advantages of Speech Therapy at CBS

Speech impairments impose various restrictions: schooling, social circle, choice of work. Classes with a speech therapist at the Centre for Brain Stimulation can help children and adults alike overcome the problem.

Advantages of our Clinic

  1. Highly qualified speech therapists with experience, among whom you may choose "your" specialist.
  2. Safe procedures.
  3. Modern medical equipment and effective methods.
  4. An integrated systematic approach to speech correction.
  5. Comfortable stay of the child in the class: specialised furniture, far from hospital rooms, the possibility of holding the class either sitting or lying down, or playing on a special mat.
  6. The opportunity to help even the most difficult patients.
  7. Possibility of speech therapy not only for children but also for adults.
  8. Affordable price of a speech therapy session.
  9. Ability to add additional apparatus techniques to the basic speech therapy classes, correction classes, which greatly improves the overall effect.

Speech therapy sessions with a child can take place with or without the parents. Children feel safe and confident in the same way. But the mothers and fathers present have the opportunity to receive valuable advice and individual practical tips on correcting children's speech.


Dealing with speech impairment in a child or adult at home is a difficult and often ineffective process. The best option is to book a speech therapy appointment with the specialists at the Centre for Brain Stimulation. Our speech therapy services are professional and have long-lasting effects.

Registration for classes with a speech therapist is carried out by phone on our site, or via the feedback form.

Licenses and Certificates

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410


Certificate "Industry Leader in the Medical Sector"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


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