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13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

Bioacoustic Correction

Bioacoustic correction is the latest method of therapy for a wide range of pathologies, including medical problems of the central nervous system (CNS). It combines advanced methods of brain activity training, biocontrol, and music therapy.

Біоакустична корекція дітям в Києві

Bioacoustic Correction for Children 

Bioacoustic correction (BAC) is the latest method of therapy for a wide range of pathologies, including medical problems of the central nervous system (CNS). Bioacoustic correction combines advanced methods of training brain activity, biocontrol and music therapy. Bioacoustic correction is carried out individually for each patient. Because the method is based on the influence on the brain of the musical series, which corresponds to the vibrations of electroencephalogram of the patient.

BAC course at the Center for Brain Stimulation is held at the latest equipment, which has proven to be the most effective among the devices of similar purpose.


Bioacoustic brain correction is a painless, non-invasive procedure approved for preschool children.

Bioacoustic correction is indicated for:


The BAC method has shown itself well in the treatment of childhood neurological diseases and abnormalities, but for maximum effectiveness, treatment should be started as early as possible. The Bioacoustic correction method may be recommended if you notice one of the following symptoms:

You should think about the necessity of bioacoustic correction of the brain if while watching the child you notice: the difference from peers, non-standard behavior, differences in speech, communication in short phrases, concentration disorders, inadequate reaction to common things and words, withdrawal, unwillingness to communicate with other children and inability to make contact.


Bioacoustic Correction in children is recommended for therapy of neuropsychiatric disorders at any age, but the greatest effectiveness is achieved if therapy is started at an early age.

The method of bioacoustic correction has a positive effect in such conditions:


Despite the safety of bioacoustic correction, there are contraindications.

Bioacoustic correction is prohibited under such conditions as:

Bioacoustic correction of the brain is carried out extremely carefully in patients with epilepsy.

Contraindications for each patient are determined individually during the consultation at the clinic.

How does the session pass?

Bioacoustic correction for children is carried out after diagnostic measures, which include:

The method of Bioacoustic correction is based on the transformation of the total activity of neural brain waves into an audible sound wave. This allows you to assess the functional state of the brain and the complexity of the existing pathology.

Reverse sound influence on the brain cells contributes to normalization of brain function. If you compare the patient's EEG results before and after the procedure, there is an improvement in parameters afterwards.

Before the procedure begins, the patient is fitted with a special cap or headband with sensors that read the EEG throughout the session, and headphones. The program is then adjusted individually to the patient's brain activity waves. Sound is fed through the headphones, which allows the most effective effect on the brain without distracting it with extraneous sounds.

While listening to the melody the normalization of the brain function occurs, this is disturbed due to negative external influences. Since practically all processes in the body depend on the work of the CNS, in the course of the procedure it is possible:

During the procedure, the patient not only has the opportunity to hear the "sound" of his own brain, but also to adjust it involuntarily. The sound reproduction program automatically adjusts the sound wave to the brain activity, which is monitored throughout the procedure. For about 30 minutes (sometimes less) the patient listens to the sound stream converted by the program from the EEG results obtained before the session. The incoming sound stream gradually activates the brain response, allowing the patient to unconsciously correct the brain activity, which leads to harmonization of the sound stream.

Bioacoustic Correction Therapeutic Effect 

The BAC procedure stimulates:

Bioacoustic Correction Advantages

The BAC procedure is worth choosing for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders because:

Advantages of Treatment at the Center for Brain Stimulation

  1. The procedure is performed on “Синхро-С” apparatus, which shows greater efficacy than other apparatuses.
  2. Positive dynamics can already be noticed during the procedure.
  3. After the course of treatment there is a persistent positive effect, and if the treatment is started in the early stages, the positive effect can last a lifetime.
  4. The procedure is non-invasive, requires no rehabilitation.
  5. It is painless, allowing sessions for children without tears or nervous turmoil.
  6. Procedures are prescribed by experienced specialists after careful diagnosis and clarification of the patient's condition.
  7. Therapy is performed in accordance with contemporary treatment protocols, which comply with current standards of medical care.
  8. High level of responsibility for quality of care.
  9. High level of safety with respect to personal data of patients.


Has your child been diagnosed with a neurological or psychiatric disorder? Have you tried many treatment methods, but no tangible results have been achieved? Bioacoustic correction can help in your situation! The price of the procedure will not make you think twice. You can get more detailed information about the treatment and make an appointment for an initial consultation on our website. The doors of our clinic are open not only for residents of Kyiv - we are ready to help everyone!

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

ISO 9001-2015 certificate UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі у медичній сфері"

Certificate "Leader in the Medical Industry"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


Татьяна 02.09.2020


Биоакустическая коррекция

Не процедура, а какая-то магия! До чего только не дойдет технический прогресс! А главное - есть результат. Значит, изобретают не просто так!

Людмила 30.07.2020


Біоакустична корекція для дітей

Нещодавно знайшла цей медицинський центр, раптово натрапила. Але з першого погляду зрозуміла - це те, що треба племінниці. Одразу дала сестрі (ми з нею дуже близькі, її проблеми - то мої проблеми) координати та наполягла, що нам слід спробувати. Дитині з аутизмом потрібна допомога, тут що не вигадуй, а лікування - необхідність. До того ж, перепробували всі можливі методи, ігри. Результат був, але його недостатньо. А тут у клініці з початку лікування почалися зміни, можливо не значні, але за місяц стан дитини змінився прямо на очах. Лікарі дали надію нашій родині, за що ми дуже вдячні!

Светлана Дьяченко 27.05.2020


Биоакустическая коррекция

У меня просто нет слов, чтобы выразить признательность всему коллективу центра! Вы - наши спасители! У каждого человека найдутся проблемы, а пить таблетки не хочется лишний раз. Мы очень рады, что нашли вас. Помощь нашлась для всех - от мала до велика, и даже для казалось бы неизлечимых заболеваний. Может полностью вылечить некоторое и нельзя, но жить с этим можно! Спасибо вам!

Наталья 14.03.2020


Биоакустическая коррекция

Это что-то новенькое. Я о разной физиотерапии слышала, но вот чтобы вот так, энцефалограмма музыкой была - чудеса да и только! Современная медицина радует разнообразием!

Кристина 31.01.2020


Биоакустическая коррекция

Биоакустическая коррекция стала нашим спасением. Последний год сын такое вытворял, что на голову не натянешь. Педиатры все прописывали седативные, только что толку? Не будешь же круглосуточно пичкать, перед сном бывало немного давали, когда уснуть не мог. А тут без всяких лекарств у нас прошла гиперактивность, ребенок стал более вменяемым чтоли, слушается, не капризничает. Жизнь налаживается.

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