Shock-Wave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a relatively new non-invasive method, which is successfully used to treat orthopedic diseases. With the help of shock waves, microcrystals of calcium salts are destroyed in tissues, joints, and tendons and removed from the body. As a result, regenerative processes in tissues are activated, blood flow increases, and swelling and pain decrease. SWT technology is widely used in the treatment of male genitourinary systems and pain of the musculoskeletal system. The fields of application are physiotherapy, orthopedics, and sports medicine.
Shockwave therapy is conducted by specialists of the Center for Brain Stimulation Inflammatory processes are eliminated without disturbing the integrity of the skin using the modern BTL-6000 SWT apparatus (Great Britain).
Mechanism of Action of SWT
Shockwaves are specifically altered acoustic waves that act for short periods, but with sufficient intensity. Their purpose is to destroy various dense structures or salt deposits in the ligamentous apparatus for further resorption, removal from the body, and regeneration of new connective tissues.
In the process of shockwave therapy treatment, a sufficient amount of energy is generated in the body. Its formation is facilitated by air, which is transmitted to the applicator in a compressed form under great pressure. The probes are selected by a specialist depending on the patient's condition and complaints, as well as the goals of the treatment being carried out. High-intensity laser therapy and SWT can be used in combination, which accelerates the healing process and maximizes treatment results in one session.
Shockwave therapy is mainly used to treat inflammation and degenerative changes in joints, tendons, and ligaments. Therefore, there are many conditions for which a doctor can prescribe shockwave therapy.