High-Intensity Laser Therapy
High-Intensity Laser Therapy, or HIL-therapy, is a unique and innovative technology that allows painless effects on human tissues and organs with a high-intensity laser.
A high-intensity laser is a portable device, equipped with a display and automatic protocols, with a power of 500 mVt or more.
Mechanism of Action of the High-Intensity Laser
The super high-power laser is ahead of today's technology. Because the pulse penetrates deep into the tissue, this technology allows even the most serious pathologies to be treated. High-intensity laser treatment is compared to microsurgery, but incisions, punctures, and lengthy recovery can be avoided.
How Does High-Intensity Laser Work?
The signal penetrates deep into the tissue (up to 10 cm) and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. High-intensity therapy not only reduces pain, but also affects the source of inflammation while improving the function of cartilage muscle tissue, nerve endings, and blood vessels.
Despite high power, the high-intensity laser does not harm the surrounding tissues. The procedure is fully controlled by a specialist and can be stopped at any moment. And the risk of mechanical trauma and burns is minimized.