
Addresses of the Clinics

13 B, Vasylia Poryka Prospect, Kyiv (On the map )

37 A Haharina Street, Bila Tserkva (On the map)

Testing will allow a comprehensive assessment of the child's weaknesses and strengths in terms of learning opportunities and the creation of an effective individual correctional program.

Діагностика аутизму PEP-3

Autism Diagnostics PEP-3

The PEP-3 Autism Diagnostics provides an assessment of a set of unevenly presented strengths and learning weaknesses of the child characteristic of ASD and related developmental disabilities. Provides a measure of skill development and provides information for making a diagnosis and determining the severity of the disability. It is consists of stimulus material for diagnosing the child and an optional questionnaire for parents/guardians.

The tests are conducted by certified professionals at the Brain Stimulation Center. Testing will allow a comprehensive assessment of the child's weaknesses and strengths in terms of learning opportunities and the development of an effective individual correctional program.

To diagnose autism (ASD) and other disorders, specialists at the centre use multiple methods, such as Ados, CASD, ADI-r, Leiter-3, Conners-3, WISC-IV, ADOS-2. In this article, we will talk about the advantages of the PEP-3 technique. Given the impressive list of impairments of varying degrees of severity united by the term ASD, the psychoeducational profile (or PEP) according to the TEACHS methodology is successfully used in the planning of individual educational programs for children.

Who does need the PEP-3 methodology and why?

The TEACHS Psychoeducational Profile is designed to examine children with autism spectrum disorders to provide a differentiated assessment of the child's learning abilities. In a child with ASD, the development of mental functions is uneven. This important practical point is taken into account by the PEP-3 methodology. The psychoeducational profile allows you to more accurately determine the level of skill development, which provides important information on the severity of the disability to make the correct diagnosis.

In addition, the autism test using this technique allows you to:

The PEP-3 can be used not only for diagnosis. The ТЕАССН program is a practical way to track changes in a child's educational profile over some time, as well as the dynamics of maladaptive behaviours.

Symptoms Assuming PEP-3 Testing

A child with ASD is characterized by a state of deficit of social interaction and communication (without regard to the general developmental delay). The disorders manifest themselves in a wide range of disorders of behaviour, verbal abilities, and social behaviour:

The complex of signs can be more or less, of varying degrees of severity. An autism spectrum disorder test can help make sense of it.

As a rule, ASD manifests itself in the first 5 years and persist into adulthood, significantly complicating life. The development of individual educational programs, competent correction and adaptation can smooth out the situation. And this requires a complete diagnosis (possible with the use of the PEP-3 test), which helps to determine the potential of a child with ASD.

ASD Group Disorders

According to the DSM-V classification, all types of autism are grouped under ASD. These include:

ASD is not emotional. These are neurobiological disorders, which can be accompanied by mental retardation, epilepsy, and depression.

PEP-3 testing: what is included and how it is done

The psycho-educational profile of the PEP was developed based on the works of Professor E. Schopler. In the CSM clinic, specialists are guided by the current version - the revised edition of 2004 (the third version). The collection of information and assessment of individual characteristics on the PEP-3 is done based on the results of completed tests and interviews with the child's representatives.

There are 172 tasks developed that include the usual simple activities for preschool children (colour a picture, feed a toy). However, each such activity is used to assess several parameters at once. There are 10 blocks in all. Six of them are designed to establish the age level of development of the child and reveal the degree of mastery of skills and knowledge. Another four are the assessment of maladaptive forms of behaviour.

The parent (or caregiver) questionnaire consists of two clinical sections with questions and three subtests about behavioural, self-care, and adaptation problems of the child.

Results and Their Usage

As a result of PEP-3 diagnostics, a child is more accurately identified as belonging to one of the ASD groups. This achieves the main goals of the PEP-3 in the examination of children with autism. The PEP-3 diagnostic methodology developed for professionals and teachers allows the use of structured programs for teaching children with ASD based on the child's strengths, motor and communication skills, visual information processing, assessment of learning ability, verbal and nonverbal intelligence development. Thanks to these programs, it is proven that successful learning of children with ASD is also possible in mainstream schools.

PEP-3 Advantages and Testing at the Center for Brain Stimulation

The PEP-3 is an important complementary tool to autism screening methods such as clinical interview, early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders, CASD child autism test, other psychodiagnostic methods and autism screening techniques. The main advantages of the method are:

The specialists at our centre can perform PEP-3 testing on almost all children with ASD. A comfortable environment and an experienced psychologist (child psychiatrist) are a guarantee of accurate test results for autism in children and their correct interpretation in the form of descriptive and graphical data, as well as on seven assessment scales.


PEP-3 autism diagnosis and other help for children with ASD is provided by certified psychologists at the Brain Stimulation Center. To make an appointment for a consultation with a specialist and to take the PEP-3 test, just call the phone number listed above, and our call centre will answer all your questions and make an appointment at a convenient time for you.

Licenses and certificates

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229123 (ENG)

Сертифікат ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Certificate ISO 9001-2015 UA229124

Ліцензія № 282410

License № 282410

Свідоцтво "Лідер галузі у медичній сфері"

Certificate "Industry Leader in the Medical Sector"

Диплом переможця всеукраїнської премії "Герої малого бізнесу 2021"

Diploma of the winner of the All-Ukrainian award "Heroes of Small Business 2021"


Надія 23.08.2021


Діагностика аутизму PEP-3

Відгуки пишу рідко, але тут вважаю своїм обов'язком розповісти якомога більшій кількості батьків "особливих дітей", може бути хтось не знає, куди можна звернутися. До ЦСМ думали, що наш син ніколи не зможе вчитися в школі з іншими дітьми. Проблеми стали з'являтися в 4 роки - вдома Ваня вів себе майже нормально, але з іншими людьми відмовлявся спілкуватися, перестав грати з дітьми на вулиці, став одинаком. Ще ми стали помічати, що Ванюшка майже перестав посміхатися і радіти. У центрі нас записали на консультацію до психолога Злати Ігорівни Селезньової. Вона вирішила, що за доцільне буде провести тест на діагностику аутизма РЕР-3. Завдяки тесту підтвердилися деякі порушення. Незначні, але працювати із ними треба. Дуже хочеться, щоб до школи дитина пішла разом з усіма однолітками, з якими раніше грався у дворі. Будемо записуватися на коригувальні заняття теж до ЦСМ. Спасибі всім величезне за надію! Все буде добре!

Віктор 14.06.2021


Діагностика аутизму PEP-3

Хочу висловити подяку психологу центру за консультацію та за якісно проведений тест РЕР 3. Багато речей стали більш зрозумілі після нього. Отримав до того ж і хороші рекомендації як поводитися з сином. Далі будемо спостерігатися тут.

Екатерина Остапчук 09.05.2021


Диагностика аутизма PEP-3

В центр на Подоле я вожу ребенка всего месяц. Сначала пришли просто на консультацию, где ребенка тестировали с помощью методики РЕР-3 (это тест, но в игровой форме, доступной каждому ребенку, как мне кажется). После теста нам порекомендовали коррекционные занятия попосещать. Их проводит психолог. Самые лучшие впечатления от сотрудников и их обращения с детьми. Цены для нас немного высоки, но здоровье сына того стоит. Заработаем еще.

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